
【2016/2/2 21:30】: 記事下部にオリジナルの英語版インタビューを掲載しました(We published the original English interview at the bottom of the article.)。
2016年1月23日、東京・秋葉原にてe-Sportsイベント「RAGE」のグランドファイナルズが開催された。記念すべき第1回の競技種目に選ばれたのはスマートフォンとタブレットで展開されているMOBAタイトル『Vainglory(ベイングローリー)』。この日の決勝では「Team GL」が優勝を飾ったが、激闘が行われたステージ上からわずか10メートルほど離れた場所で、もうひとつの記念すべき出来事が行われていたので、本誌ではそちらにクローズアップしておきたい。

今回のインタビューは試合と試合のあいだのインターバル時間に行われたため、10分弱というかなり短いものだが、彼が抱く日本のe-Sportsシーンの印象から、プライベートで来日した際の微笑ましい思い出、また現在PBE(Public Beta Environment)サーバーにおいてテスト運用中である『LoL』の日本語ボイスについてなど、様々な質問に答えてもらった。多忙な大会の休憩時間中、また『Vainglory』の大会であるにも関わらず、他タイトルにの『LoL』についても気さくに答えてくれたMonteCristo氏にはこの場を借りてお礼を伝えたい。
2013年からはOnGameNetにてLCK(『LoL』韓国プロリーグ)の英語解説を担当し、最強地域韓国の試合を世界に発信する上で果たしている役割は計り知れない。MOBAについては深い造詣を持ち、『LoL』の北米シーンでは過去にプロチーム「Counter Logic Gaming」のコーチを務めたほか、2016年現在は「Renegades」のオーナーのひとりでもある。
―― 一番好きなチャンプのボイスは誰ですか?
――日本と韓国は地理的に近い場所にあり、韓国にはe-Sports文化が大きく根づいています。日本人プレイヤーは韓国で成功をつかめるでしょうか? 韓国人プレイヤーも日本で成功できるでしょうか?
すでに日本人プレイヤーたちはシーンに進出しているでしょう。第1回「Vainglory World Invitational」では、日本代表チーム「Divine Brothers」が決勝戦で韓国の「Invincible Armada」と対戦しており、好成績を収めています。日本の「Universal Civils」は、先日行われたVIPLでは少しつらい展開を味わいましたが、今日ここにいる彼らは韓国でもすばらしいプレイを続けられると思っています。すでに起きていることなんですね。多くの韓国人プレイヤーが日本へ渡り、帰国したり、世界中のチームへ移籍したりしようとしています。韓国でプレイする日本人プレイヤー、日本でプレイする韓国人プレイヤーと、2つの地域のあいだではいい交流が築けているように見えますね。

――モンテさんは「Renegades」のオーナーですが、Spring Splitでのチームの感触はいかがでしょうか。
――今回の「Vainglory RAGE championship」はいかがでしたか? このイベントや配信などについては?

[取材・撮影: Tomohiro Noguchi]
[翻訳・編集: Sawako Yamaguchi]
[翻訳補助 James R. Mountain]
[翻訳補助・編集: Shuji Ishimoto]

MonteCristo came to Japan to cast the “RAGE” e-sports tournament, and he took the time to speak with us regarding the e-sports scene in Japan.
The “RAGE” e-sports event management held their first tournament in Akihabara, Tokyo Jan 23rd, 2016. They chose Vainglory – a mobile- and tablet-based MOBA – as the means of competition in this inaugural tournament. Team GL won the grand finals that day, and Japanese e-sports fans also had yet another reason for celebration as well.
That reason was the fact that the day’s events would be live-cast by MonteCristo, one of the most famous English MOBA casters for LCK and other games. RAGE management had announced that he would cast for the tournament, but what I had expected was online casting – not a livecast from right here in Japan. I was able to watch his livecast directly in the only 200-seat area. It was a wonderful surprise for me. MonteCristo has accumulated a great understanding of the e-sports scene around the world over the years, so I spoke with him about his opinions on the current Japanese scene.
I was only able to sit and chat with him for than ten minutes, due to having to schedule our talk during a break between games. However, he spoke candidly with me about the e-sports scene, the Japanese localized LoL currently in PBE, and his own personal impressions of Japan. Interviewd by Noguchi Tomohiro.
――At first, what kind of impression do you have about Japanese e-Sports scene?
I’m very impressed! It looks great studio, Everything is very professional and the fans are very excited. Its been going really well so far.
――So, Japanese e-Sports scene is like a baby yet, what is important point to grow up e-Sports entertainment?
I think you doing it. I think whats happening right now is all the right things you need to grow the scene, very professional events, very professional production, and good competition, and I know I’ve been, uh, not only this, but the LJL, I know for League of Legends, has been doing very very well. I’ve seen a lot of people excited about that, and with the Japanese server for League coming as well as Vainglory, having the East Asian server, it looks like everything is growing really really well in Japan. It’s hard me to say without could be done better because everything looks so great here.
――By the way, did you listen Japanese LoL Voices?
Oh, yes! Of course, yeah, I heard them. They’re…
――What do you favorite?
Taric! Taric, of course, is great!
――Japanese Taric!?
Japanese Taric is awesome.
――Oh, Nice. So many Japanese actors and actresses join the League.
I know yeah, Riot did a very good job of… spending money to get all the best voice actors in Japan. Many foreign fans, they love the Japaneses voices, and many fans from around the world really want to play the game with the Japanese voices, because they like them so much.
――Japan and Korea are very near, and Korea has great e-Sport culture. So basic Japanese player can success in Korea? and Korean player can success in Japan?
Well, we’ve seen Japanese players… I mean, even in the first Vainglory invitational, “Divine Brothers” made the finals against “Invincible Armada” so they were doing very well, ”Universal Civils” had a bit of a rough time in the last VIPL and I hope the team here today can continue to perform well in Korea; its already happened, and many Korean players have gone to Japan, and they’ve come back or gone to other team around the world. So it seems like there’s a good crossover right now between the two regions, ?where we have players in Japan playing in Korea and Korean players playing in Japan.

――Have you ever been to Japan?
Yes, I have. This is my second time.
――How about Akihabara?
I haven’t had much time in Akihabara yet because I just got in yesterday, so hopefully tomorrow I will have some more time to experience it.
――Please enjoy come Akihabara!
I will. Last time I was in Shinjuku, and I went up to Nagano during the winter about a year ago, and I went to Shibu Onsen, tosee the monkyes, and hike, walk in the snow. It was very beautiful.
――It’s Japanese tradional landscape.
Ver, Very beautiful.
――What is your favorite thing related Japan? everything is OK, Video-game, Comic, Food…
Oh, the food is amazing. I love the food here in Japan, but I like being outside in the mountains, it’s very, very beautiful.
――Ah, Japanese counted countryside.
Yeah, the Japanese countryside is so beautiful. I really like that.
――This time, can you enjoy countryside?
――Or…you have to go back to Korea as soon as?
I have to go back to Korea because I have to cast more League of Legends out there, so unfortunately I would love to stay, maybe this summer, I would like to go to Sapporo, and be in the countryside up north, because I hear it’s very beautiful but I’ve never been there before.
――So many Japanese LoL player enjoying your casting.
Oh, its good – I’m glad to hear that.
――Can I ask about LoL? You are one of Renegades owner. So, how do you feel about your team in this spring split?
Ah… you know it’s our first season in the LCS. So, I think it will be… I hope to make the top 6 and make the playoffs, and I think that would be a very good result for our first season as we start to grow and improve. So far I think we are doing pretty well. I think that is a realistic goal for us. Yeah, I think the players are happy I think will show some more strong performances this weekend.
――What is impression about this Vainglory RAGE championship. This Event and so this broad cast, and so on.
Yeah, I’m having a great time so far, I think RAGE put on a really professional event here in Japan, and everything looks really, really nice. I love all the videos. It’s very, very well done.
――Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us today, MonteCristo-san! I hope to be able to watch him livecast in Japan again soon.

[Interview, Photograph: Tomohiro Noguchi]
[Translate, Editing: Sawako Yamaguchi]
[Translate advice: James R. Mountain]
[Translate advice, Editing: Shuji Ishimoto]