PLAYISM2022-03-03 17:47Dungeon RPG Potato Flowers in Full Bloom to release on March 10Keiichi YokoyamaPLAYISM
PLAYISM2022-02-27 12:05Steam page for Ib remake opens, now with PLAYISM as the publisherKeiichi YokoyamaPLAYISM
PLAYISM2022-02-01 21:20Bright Memory: Infinite costume DLC free giveaway likely contributed to population growth on SteamTaijiro YamanakaIndie Games / PLAYISM
PLAYISM2022-01-23 17:51Single player social deduction RPG Gnosia is now available on Steam.Ryuki IshiiIndie Games / PLAYISM
PLAYISM2022-01-23 16:42Japanese roguelite Samurai Bringer is coming to Steam, PS4, and Switch on April 21 [Update].Ryuki IshiiIndie Games / PLAYISM
PLAYISM2022-01-23 16:37Magical Girl vs. Mech TPS MaguSphere – Magical Cannon Girls to release in 2022.Ryuki IshiiIndie Games / PLAYISM
PLAYISM2022-01-23 16:28Gamebook-style RPG The Use of Life is coming to Steam this spring.Ryuki IshiiIndie Games / PLAYISM
PLAYISM2022-01-23 16:21Anime-style 3D bullet hell action game Homura Hime announced for SteamTetsuya YoshimotoIndie Games / PLAYISM
PLAYISM2022-01-23 16:13Momodora: Moonlit Farewell officially announced for SteamTaijiro YamanakaIndie Games / PLAYISM
PLAYISM2021-10-29 06:59Bright Memory: Infinite will release on Nov. 11, free for those who own Episode 1Taijiro YamanakaPLAYISM
PLAYISM2021-10-15 21:06The Good Life is now available. A debt repaying small-town mystery adventure by SWERYTaijiro YamanakaPLAYISM