Magical Girl vs. Mech TPS MaguSphere – Magical Cannon Girls to release in 2022

Japanese indie game publisher PLAYISM has announced that MaguSphere – Magical Cannon Girls (魔砲少女のメイガスフィア) is coming to PC and consoles in 2022.
MaguSphere is a third-person shooter where you play as a magical girl named Houka Hozumi, who can hold a heavy artillery or a tank gun with just one hand. Why? Because she’s a magical girl. The game has been in development for a long time, as the initial announcement was made in 2014. Now with PLAYISM onboard as a publisher, it looks like developer Ohbado is getting closer to finishing the game.
* Disclosure: The publisher PLAYISM is part of Active Gaming Media, which is also the owner of this website.
The game is set in a near future, where an extraterrestrial species called Gremlin started to invade the earth. Houka must stand up and fight against Gremlins, who can morph into mechs, and a mysterious girl who seems to be controlling the Gremlins.
Houka Hozumi, the magical girl, can use various military weapons based on real-life armaments such as the 8.8cm Flak artillery and Mauser cannon. Show no mercy and destroy any enemy mechs and girls that are invading the city. The game features a destruction system that allows you to fully destroy the city with Houka’s high firepower. Demolish buildings near enemies and get them caught up in explosions. That will give you some advantages in missions.

This game is an amalgamation of the developer Ohba’s love for strong anime girls and military armaments. Ohba has been developing the game for seven years, and we’ll soon be able to experience the game on PC and consoles.
The Steam page for MaguSphere – Magical Cannon Girls can be found here.