Indie GamesNews2021-09-27 13:27Okinawa Rush, a Double Dragon & Tekken inspired 2D action game, is set to launch in late OctoberAyuo KawaseIndie Games / News (Global)
Game DevelopmentNews2021-09-27 10:40Chinese game companies will self-regulate boys’ love content and effeminate male charactersSayoko NaritaNews (Global)
News2021-09-25 09:55Rune Factory 5 will feature same-sex marriage for the first time in the seriesAyuo KawaseNews (Japan-related)
News2021-09-24 21:46Arcade shoot ’em up Castle of Shikigami 2 is coming to PC/Nintendo Switch. Demo ver. out now on SteamTaijiro YamanakaNews (Japan-related)
News2021-09-24 19:03All-ages adventure game Magatsu Barai announced from light, a JP game brand known for R18 Visual NovelsKeiichi YokoyamaNews (Japan-related)
News2021-09-24 16:55Pokémon Unite’s Crustle gets stronger each time it’s knocked out due to a recent bug, but a fix is on the waySayoko NaritaNews (Global) / Pokemon Series
News2021-09-24 14:11Touken Ranbu Warriors gameplay revealed. It will launch on Feb. 17 in Japan, May 24 in West [UPDATE]Aki NogishiNews (Japan-related)
News2021-09-24 13:09Yoko Taro’s Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars will launch on Oct. 28, demo version is out nowKeiichi YokoyamaNews (Japan-related)
News2021-09-24 10:59Square Enix’s new SRPG TRIANGLE STRATEGY will launch on March 4, with shorter loading times & 3 difficulty optionsAki NogishiNews (Japan-related)
News2021-09-24 09:37Actraiser Renaissance, a revival of 90’s 2D action & city-building hit, now available on PS4/Switch/PC/MobileSayoko NaritaNews (Japan-related)
News2021-09-24 08:42Nintendo 64 and SEGA Genesis games will be part of Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack, scheduled to launch late OctoberYuki KurosawaNews (Japan-related) / Nintendo
News2021-09-24 08:04Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, a massive paid expansion is coming Summer 2022Ayuo KawaseNews (Japan-related)