Indie GamesNews2022-05-07 13:12Clock Tower inspired indie horror game Soukaishin is in developmentYuki KurosawaIndie Games / News (Japan-related)
Indie GamesNews2022-05-07 11:40There’s a free game about saving macho men stuck in the ceiling of a school gymKeiichi YokoyamaIndie Games / News (Japan-related)
News2022-05-06 17:20Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak’s file size is larger than the base gameAyuo KawaseNews (Japan-related)
Indie GamesNews2022-05-06 11:00Cynoroid Forsaken is a corpse-eating 2D action game being developed by JP indie devKeiichi YokoyamaIndie Games / News (Japan-related)
News2022-05-03 12:33Ghostwire: Tokyo deals with Tengu noise complaints by adding a volume sliderSayoko NaritaNews (Japan-related)
News2022-05-03 11:34Super Mario RPG has been partially recreated by a fan using the Unity engineTaijiro YamanakaNews (Global) / Nintendo
News2022-05-03 09:22Actraiser Renaissance Ver.1.1.0 lets you disable new actions to provide a gameplay experience closer to that of the originalTaijiro YamanakaNews (Japan-related)
News2022-05-02 16:44Square Enix to sell Crystal Dynamics & Eidos in a $300 million deal with EmbracerAyuo KawaseNews (Japan-related)
News2022-05-01 10:23Elden Ring player beats the game while over-encumberedSayoko NaritaElden Ring / News (Japan-related)
News2022-05-01 07:52Nintendo Switch games are being used for fraud on Japanese CtoC marketplace Mercari [Update]Yuki KurosawaNews (Japan-related)
News2022-04-30 14:26Weak yen causes the prices of Razer products to go up in JapanSayoko NaritaNews (Japan-related)
News2022-04-30 13:26Bandai Namco Research’s 3D motion datasets are available for free & can be used for AI R&D purposes.Ryuki IshiiNews (Japan-related)