Final FantasyNews2022-01-31 17:12Tifa and Aerith mods keep on coming for Final Fantasy VII Remake on PCAyuo KawaseFinal Fantasy / News (Global)
Final FantasyNews2022-01-26 17:11What color should Sephiroth’s nipples be? A fan-made bust raises important questionsAyuo KawaseFinal Fantasy / News (Global)
Final FantasyNews2022-01-26 11:40Hironobu Sakaguchi creates “sakaGUCCI” brand in FFXIV to sell handmade itemsAki NogishiFinal Fantasy / News (Japan-related)
Final FantasyNews2022-01-24 16:30FFVII’s Tifa and Italy have been combined into a meme after a pornographic incident at an Italian senate meetingSayoko NaritaFinal Fantasy / News (Global)
Final FantasyNews2022-01-14 16:10FFXIV major server expansion and resumption of digital sales announcedAki NogishiFinal Fantasy / News (Japan-related)
Final FantasyNews2022-01-12 22:14FFXIV producer asked players to refrain from verbal abuseAki NogishiFinal Fantasy / News (Japan-related)
Final FantasyNews2021-12-27 15:54New Final Fantasy XVI info will drop in spring 2022, later than expectedAyuo KawaseFinal Fantasy / News (Japan-related)
Final FantasyNews2021-12-21 19:42FFXIV Patch 6.01 fixes Viera’s awkward voices & low poly grapes in LabyrinthosAki NogishiFinal Fantasy / News (Japan-related)
Final FantasyNews2021-12-21 16:46Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster to release in Feb. 2022, taking more time for debuggingAyuo KawaseFinal Fantasy / News (Japan-related)
Final FantasyNews2021-12-16 18:51FFXIV sales suspended due to server congestion following the launch of EndwalkerAki NogishiFinal Fantasy / News (Japan-related)
Final FantasyNews2021-12-14 22:07FFXIV Endwalker’s MGS homage “This is Thancred” has turned into a memeAki NogishiFinal Fantasy / News (Japan-related)
Final FantasyNews2021-12-03 19:04FFXIV: Endwalker’s release brings increased traffic to spoiler blocking service in JapanAki NogishiFinal Fantasy / News (Japan-related)