News2021-12-17 12:48Animal Crossing: New Horizons gets an update to fix nude villager glitchTetsuya YoshimotoNews (Japan-related) / Nintendo
Game DevelopmentIndie GamesNews2021-12-16 19:02Japanese solo indie game developer looks back on their marketing processAyuo KawaseIndie Games / News (Japan-related)
Final FantasyNews2021-12-16 18:51FFXIV sales suspended due to server congestion following the launch of EndwalkerAki NogishiFinal Fantasy / News (Japan-related)
Indie GamesNews2021-12-16 11:07Roguelike deckbuilder Vivid Knight to release on Nintendo Switch Jan. 2022.Ryuki IshiiIndie Games / News (Japan-related)
Indie GamesNews2021-12-16 10:49“Record & Restore” puzzle action FILMECHANISM is now available on Steam and Nintendo Switch.Ryuki IshiiIndie Games / News (Japan-related)
Indie GamesNews2021-12-16 03:11Timelie released for Nintendo Switch: a time controlling stealth puzzle game.Ryuki IshiiIndie Games / News (Global)
News2021-12-15 18:33AI-generated imaginary Pokémon designs posted by a data scientistSayoko NaritaNews (Global) / Pokemon Series
News2021-12-15 13:53Granblue Fantasy: Versus passes 1,000 concurrent players on Steam for the first time in a yearKeiichi YokoyamaNews (Japan-related)
News2021-12-15 09:01Dead by Daylight x Ring (Ringu) collaboration chapter is coming in March 2022Ayuo KawaseNews (Japan-related)
News2021-12-15 02:35Tales of Arise update 1.04 gets rid of the DLC pop-upAyuo KawaseNews (Japan-related)
Final FantasyNews2021-12-14 22:07FFXIV Endwalker’s MGS homage “This is Thancred” has turned into a memeAki NogishiFinal Fantasy / News (Japan-related)
News2021-12-14 19:01Chocobo GP to release on March 10 for Nintendo Switch, with a free trial version coming out at the same timeYuki KurosawaNews (Japan-related)