Splatoon 3’s latest update nerfs Sloshing Machine, squashes Ultra Stamp bugs

Nintendo has released the patch notes for Splatoon 3’s Ver. 1.2.0 update which is scheduled to go live on October 25. According to Nintendo, “This update focuses on adjusting some weapons, improving several features, and fixing bugs that relate to battles.”

The first thing we want to draw attention to is that the Sloshing Machine is being nerfed. This weapon proved to be popular with many of the top Japanese players during the previous Splatfest (related article). The Sloshing Machine itself isn’t being adjusted, but its sub weapon, the Fizzy Bomb, will see a roughly .25 second increase before players start recovering ink after using it. Additionally, its special weapon, the Booyah Bomb, will see the number of points needed to use it rise from 200 to 210. The issue where the Sloshing Machine’s spiral would deal damage through terrain has also been fixed.

The Flingza Roller and REEF-LUX 450 will also see the number of points required to use their Tenta Missiles special weapons increase from 200 to 210. The patch notes state, “We’ve implemented several adjustments to curtail to a certain extent the style of play where the player stays far removed from the action and continually uses sub weapons or special weapons.” These changes are likely aimed at reining in the style of play where players fire off a repeated barrage of Tenta Missiles while inking their base far away from the action. The Flingza Roller and REEF-LUX 450 being well suited for this play style is likely why they were targeted for such changes.

In addition, the Ultra Stamp special weapon apparently had multiple bugs that made it weaker or stronger than intended:

– Fixed an issue where blaster shots would produce the same shock wave as a midair explosion when hitting a Tacticooler or Ultra Stamp.
– Fixed an issue where a Point Sensor or Toxic Mist would disappear without activating when hitting certain terrain or an Ultra Stamp.
– Fixed an issue where the Ultra Stamp would not block enemy bombs’ blast waves.
– Fixed an issue where the Ultra Stamp would not block fully charged shots from a charger.
– Fixed an issue with the Ultra Stamp’s repeated stamping attack where there would be moments in which direct attacks could not deal damage to the opponent.
– Fixed an issue that would prevent the Ultra Stamp’s repeated stamping attack from properly inking the ground.
– Fixed an issue that allowed the Ultra Stamp’s repeated stamping attack to deal damage to enemies on the other side of thin walls.
– Fixed an issue where the Ultra Stamp’s midair spinning attack could not deal damage to opponents on the ground.
– Fixed an issue that allowed the Ultra Stamp’s midair spinning attack to deal damage to enemies on the other side of thin walls.
– Fixed an issue where hitting terrain at the instant the Ultra Stamp is thrown would cause an explosion in a different location than where it hit.
– Fixed an issue where the Ultra Stamp’s throw attack, when aimed at an opponent on iron grating, would deal direct damage even if hitting from the back side.

A number of other changes and bug fixes were also implemented, including improved data transfer between players. “In addition, we’ve reduced the amount of time matchmaking takes for certain modes, reduced battle latency, and made small convenience improvements to the lobby and more.”

Nintendo states, “This patch prioritizes bug fixes, and other adjustments to weapons will continue in the next update.” The next update is set to focus on adding new features, weapon balance changes, and changes to the Splatfest Tricolor Attack mode for the new season which begins in December. This update is scheduled to release at the end of the current season.

The Splatoon 3 Ver. 1.2.0 patch notes can be found here.

Written by. Nick Mosier based on the original Japanese article (original article’s publication date: 2022-10-25 10:37 JST)

Ayuo Kawase
Ayuo Kawase

Editor in chief of AUTOMATON

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