Latest News
Splatoon 3’s Ultra Stamp is about to get a lot better despite receiving no buffs or nerfs
Splatoon 3’s Ultra Stamp is about to get a lot stronger with Ver. 1.2.0 even without the weapon receiving any buffs or nerfs. That’s because the weapon apparently had numerous bugs which are about to be fixed.
Splatoon 3’s latest update nerfs Sloshing Machine, squashes Ultra Stamp bugs
Nintendo has released the patch notes for Splatoon 3’s Ver. 1.2.0 update which nerfs the Sloshing Machine and squashes Ultra Stamp related bugs. “This update focuses on adjusting some weapons, improving several features, and fixing bugs that relate to battles.”
Japanese horror game Noroware Cycle announced with a terrifying trailer
Japanese horror game Noroware Cycle announced with a terrifying trailer. The game takes inspiration from PlayStation 1 cult classics like Twilight Syndrome and Yuuyami Doori Tankentai and the influence can certainly be seen in the setting and game mechanics.
The Dark Souls Camera app sees a resurgence in Japan
Despite six years having passed since Bandai Namco Entertainment and FromSoftware released the Dark Souls Camera mobile app in 2016, it has seen a recent surge in popularity here in Japan. Dark Souls Camera is an app for iOS and Android that lets users create Dark Souls themed photos.
Splatoon 3 reportedly contained freckles and scar options for face customization before launch
It’s been reported that the pre-launch version of Splatoon 3 contained additional face options for character customization. There was an option for freckles and an option for large scars across the player’s left eye.
Editor’s choices
Non-gaming news
Niconico mass deletes videos and shuts down adult-oriented fanart portal to comply with international laws
Niconico services’ regulations were revised last October to accommodate international laws pertaining to sexual and violent content.
Indie games
Learn Japanese by taking photos in this cozy new game (Updated)
Shashingo: Learn Japanese with Photography is a fun new language learning game that helps you learn everyday Japanese by taking photos.
Nintendo’s attorney weighs in on what makes emulators illegal
Koji Nishiura, patent attorney and deputy general manager of Nintendo’s intellectual property department, talks about legal problems surrounding emulation.