Nick Mosier

Nick Mosier

When not recoiling in fear at his massive backlog, Nick enjoys collecting retro games and translating bits of gaming history that never made it out of Japan. JP to EN translator

Zero Wing: Is the game behind the meme any good?

It’s surprising to me that no one tried to cash in on any sort of port when you consider just how far Zero Wing permeated into gaming and internet culture. But now that it’s here, it would almost feel criminal not to give the game behind the meme a chance.

Street Fighter II AR minigame recreates the classic bonus stage

Japanese beverage company Suntory is celebrating the 35th anniversary of Capcom’s Street Fighter II in a collaboration with their carbonated water brand “The Strong.” The collaboration AR minigame reimagines the classic car bonus stage in Street Fighter II.

“Beating” arcade-style games and the coveted 1CC

Between ports, retro revivals, indie games, and even an occasional release from big names like PlatinumGames, we gamers have tons of arcade and arcade-inspired games at our fingertips. These games tend to be short, but the game itself doesn’t dictate the completion terms. You do.

The Kirby characters that never left Japan

Kirby’s long-running light novel series contains over 20 books, including novelizations of fan favorite games, original stories, and even a standalone version of Kirby’s Return to Dream Land. These books introduce a number of new characters and locales not seen in any other Kirby media.