Kingdom Hearts might want to consider adding explorable Final Fantasy worlds 

Although the Kingdom Hearts RPG series combines Disney and Final Fantasy, it has yet to feature explorable Final Fantasy worlds.

Before Kingdom Hearts was a thing, the idea of marrying the established franchises of Final Fantasy and Disney seemed possible only in the most outlandish fan fiction creations. Thankfully, two of the people interested in such an idea were Square Enix game designers Tetsuya Nomura and Shinji Hashimoto. It is because of them that we now live in a world where the likes of Mickey Mouse and Goofy can be seen fighting alongside Squall Leonhart and Aerith Gainsborough. 

Kingdom Hearts games are well known for being set in different original and Disney-themed worlds. Some locations, such as Hollow Bastion and Mount Olympus, play major roles in the story and thus become more prominent than others. Worlds like the Mulan-inspired Land of Dragons are less important to the narrative and are only visited in a few titles. While Disney worlds are part of what makes Kingdom Hearts so appealing, there have yet to be any traversable Final Fantasy-themed worlds in the franchise.

Kingdom Hearts Sephiroth FF7 final fantasy vii

Kingdom Hearts only contains select Final Fantasy elements 

Final Fantasy characters, items, and concepts are found throughout the Kingdom Hearts franchise. Iconic Final Fantasy VII baddie Sephiroth can be fought as a boss, and heroes such as Final Fantasy X’s Wakka and Final Fantasy VIII’s Selphie have their special place as childhood friends of Sora, Riku, and Kairi. As players travel to various worlds, they will find items like Potions, Elixirs, and even some craftable Keyblades that directly reference Final Fantasy. Disney also has these elements in Kingdom Hearts (summon artifacts, for example, allow players to call upon a myriad of Disney characters), but it also has worlds that are based on its properties. 

Adding Final Fantasy worlds would benefit both players and Square Enix 

Not only would adding Final Fantasy-themed worlds likely please fans of the long-running RPG series, it would also help to introduce the franchise to a wider audience. As popular as it may be, Final Fantasy is nowhere near as far-reaching as the massive giant that is Disney. It is likely that more people get into Kingdom Hearts because of its Disney themes rather than the Final Fantasy references. By adding explorable Final Fantasy-themed worlds, Square Enix could entice more people to try out one of their most popular IPs. 

Locations such as Final Fantasy VIII’s Balamb Garden, Final Fantasy VII’s Midgar, and Final Fantasy X’s Luca are prime locations that could work well as hub areas in a Kingdom Hearts title. Apart from serving as enemy-free zones where players can rest and resupply, these hubs could also play host to major story events.  

Final Fantasy VII Midgar

When it comes to battle arenas, untamed areas like Final Fantasy X’s Thunder Plains, Final Fantasy VII’s Shinra Manor, and even Final Fantasy XIII’s massive planet of Pulse could be places where players can take on the Heartless, Nobodies, and other enemies. Since Square Enix makes both Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, developers from different teams could potentially come up with something that fits the games they are working on. 

Considering the number of Final Fantasy games that have been released since the first Kingdom Hearts, Square Enix could tap into more recent titles to generate interest and make them more memorable. To give an example, Clive from Final Fantasy XVI had his childhood briefly touched upon in the main game. This part of the protagonist’s life could be further explored in a Kingdom Hearts game as the franchise is more geared toward children. Having the likes of Clive join players on their respective worlds would allow for more lighthearted storytelling opportunities of the kind that may not be possible in Final Fantasy. 

It’s a wonder Square Enix hasn’t brought any of its Final Fantasy worlds into Kingdom Hearts. This omission may have been a part of the deal the company made with Disney to use the latter’s properties. Giving both franchises an equal amount of attention would elevate Kingdom Hearts and help pave the way for future entries. 


Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor
Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor

Automaton West writer. Zoto has been playing video games for 30+ years now but has only recently come to grips with PC gaming. When he isn't playing video games, he watches romance anime and gets mad when his best girl never wins.

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