Marvel Rivals Invisible Woman guide: How to survive longer 

Despite being a Strategist in Marvel Rivals, Invisible Woman’s self-sustaining capabilities aren’t as apparent or numerous as the other heroes in the specific role. If you’re looking to stay alive as Invisible Woman, you’ll need to have some good map knowledge and the foresight to know when to use her abilities. 

Invisible Woman has only two methods of healing herself 

As Invisible Woman’s Guardian Shield ability and Orb Projection primary attack can only be used on allies, the only two ways she can sustain herself are by using her Invisible Boundary ultimate and Covert Advance passive. 

Invisible Boundary allows you to cast a force field that deals constant healing to you and your teammates while slowing down enemies in the area. As a bonus, enemies outside the force field won’t be able to see inside unless they enter the boundary. Since Invisible Boundary is more powerful and on a longer cooldown than the rest of Invisible Woman’s abilities, you generally shouldn’t cast it when you’re the only one in danger of getting eliminated. 

That leaves the Covert Advance passive, which allows Invisible Woman to become invisible and heal herself when outside of combat. The skill works in tandem with Veiled Step, which immediately turns the hero invisible after performing a double jump. The conditions for Covert Advance’s activation are hard to enumerate, but the general rule of thumb is that the passive takes too long to activate. With this in mind, you’ll want to preserve Veiled Step as either an escape tool or as a way to give yourself some emergency healing. 

Marvel Rivals Invisible Woman

Find other ways to make up for Covert Advance’s sub-par self-healing 

Covert Advance comes with several downsides. Firstly, performing any action (even healing allies) immediately breaks invisibility and the self-healing that comes with it. Secondly, the 20 health points per second generated by the passive is lackluster considering how much damage a single enemy attack can do. Thirdly, Veiled Step (the main method of entering the invisible state) has a six-second cooldown, meaning you can’t just become invisible whenever you want to. 

To compensate for Cover Advance’s poor self-healing capabilities, you want to adopt a few essential tips. Learning the locations of health packs on different maps is a crucial part of survival in Marvel Rivals, but is even more important when playing a hero with low self-sustain like Invisible Woman. Playing around health packs ensures you have a way to keep yourself alive when things get dicey or, in the case of Invisible Woman, a place to run to after turning invisible. 

Your team might also want to run another Strategist hero, as compositions with a solo Strategist put a lot of pressure on that one person. Not only does having two Strategists increase your team’s odds of survival, but Invisible Woman will have someone to turn to when she’s running low on health. 

Marvel Rivals Invisible Woman

Use Invisible Woman’s crowd control abilities to get enemies off you 

Another way to keep yourself alive as Invisible Woman is to make use of her multiple crowd control abilities. Dropping a Psionic Vortex at your feet when a Black Panther tries to dive you will force him to think twice before executing his combos. If Psionic Vortex isn’t available, use Force Physics to push him away instead. 

A self-defense trick that is harder to pull off is to use a nearby ally as an anchor for your Guardian Shield. You can then play around the emplaced shield to either deal damage or escape from enemies. This trick won’t work all the time, but it can be a good way to buy time on an objective while the rest of your team comes to help. 

Invisible Woman’s classification as a four-star difficulty hero comes from her learning curve. Her healing abilities are straightforward, but it’s knowing how to control the crowd of enemies and knowing the right timing to go invisible that make her hard to master.  

If you’re looking for more hero-specific tips in Marvel Rivals, consider checking out our guides for more intuitive Spider-Man web-swings, easier Bruce Banner/ The Hulk leaps, and tips for becoming a better Venom.  

Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor
Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor

Automaton West writer. Zoto has been playing video games for 30+ years now but has only recently come to grips with PC gaming. When he isn't playing video games, he watches romance anime and gets mad when his best girl never wins.

Articles: 321

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