New WarioWare game takes Fire Emblem: Three Houses’ tea time to extreme speeds

New WarioWare game takes Fire Emblem: Three Houses’ tea time to extreme speeds. WarioWare: Get it Together! has a lot of microgames based off of other Nintendo properties. The tea time microgame is one of them.

Publication date of the original Japanese article: 2021-09-10 16:52 (JST)
Translated by. Nick Mosier

Nintendo’s WarioWare: Get it Together! launched on September 10. The title features various little minigames that are played in quick succession called microgames, and this time, there’s a Fire Emblem: Three Houses themed microgame that has the internet buzzing for its absurdity.

WarioWare: Get it Together! is the latest title in the WarioWare series for the Nintendo Switch. The game is full of microgames that showcase Nintendo’s unique brand of humor and is the first new title the popular series has received in some time.

The game also allows two players to each grab a Joy-Con and play simultaneously so your family and friends can get in on the fun too. On top of that, each character has their own unique abilities and each microgame can be completed in multiple ways which expands the gameplay possibilities.

WarioWare: Get it Together! has over 200 microgames. Among them is a Fire Emblem: Three Houses themed microgame based on the game’s tea time segments. In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, it’s possible to invite a character you’re interested in to a tea party. By selecting their favorite tea leaves and bringing up the right conversations, your partner will enjoy their time which will increase your bond and raise your charm stat.

Plus, if the conversation goes well, you can have a closer look at your partner and see a different side of them by making them smile or poking fun at them. You can also freely adjust the camera to look at your partner and enjoy their shy expressions from any angle for as long as you like. Amid a busy life of schooling and battles, it’s nice to enjoy some relaxing intimate time with the characters you’re interested in.

WarioWare: Get it Together! pretty much takes this part of Fire Emblem: Three Houses wholesale. However, in contrast to the relaxing pace of the tea party that inspired it, WarioWare kicks it into high gear. With one of the three house leaders as your partner, you have less than 10 seconds to flatter them with pleasant conversation.

The microgame comes in two varieties. “Select the correct word” to praise your partner and “select the correct phrase” to let them know how you feel. Fire Emblem’s tea parties were generally short with a 15 second time limit for each question, but in the WarioWare series, the more you level up, the faster the microgames go.

Twitter users like Kuronekobell and Matanokin are uploading their highspeed tea parties to Twitter and sharing a laugh with other users.

Tweet Translation:
A highspeed tea party.

WarioWare: Get it Together! actually has a lot of microgames based off of other Nintendo properties. There are microgames that pay homage to everything from Mario, Metroid, and Splatoon, and even Nintendo hardware itself. There are so many references to Nintendo’s past and present that “Nintendo” is basically a category of game within the game.

Tweet Translation:
WarioWare: Get it Together! is out today and features a Splatoon microgame. Look at a Turf War map and quickly decide who won! It’s even playable in the demo so how about giving it a try?

Each of the microgames pays respect to the original while mixing in some humor. But even when compared to the other microgames, having a Fire Emblem: Three Houses tea time microgame is a bit surreal.

On social media, it’s been getting attention from not just WarioWare players, but also Fire Emblem fans who are pointing out how funny it is. Intelligent Systems has a hand in the development of the WarioWare series and in Fire Emblem: Three Houses so maybe their understanding of the original helped in crafting such a talked about microgame.

Tweet Translation:
Claude suddenly appeared and I burst out laughing

WarioWare: Get it Together! is currently available for the Nintendo Switch. While we talked a lot about Fire Emblem: Three Houses in this article, WarioWare is full of modes and microgames and has a demo available on the Nintendo eShop if you want to give it a try.

Ayuo Kawase
Ayuo Kawase

Editor in chief of AUTOMATON

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