It sounds like Bayonetta 3 is going to have deep story connections with the first two titles in the series for experienced fans to enjoy. The game’s executive director Hideki Kamiya recently took to his personal Twitter account to discuss the topic which we’re going to break down here.

Acquire’s “復活してほしいゲーム”(DesiredGameRevival) hashtag gets flooded with posts unrelated to Acquire’s games. It can be difficult to squeeze context into a hashtag, and users that just happened to see the hashtag without knowing where it came from would have no idea it was originally meant to be about Acquire games.

There is a difference in the way that the name of Nintendo’s mascot character, Mario, is pronounced in American English compared to British English. Thomas from the YouTube channel Thomas Game Docs has enlisted the assistance of a linguist in investigating the correct way to pronounce the name.

A discussion broke out on Twitter in Japan looking into the reasons why video games are taking longer and longer to develop. Listening to developers involved in making games shows it’s more complicated than simply needing more time or hands on deck to take care of everything.

Elon Musk took to Twitter to unveil his Elden Ring build to the public, but users on Twitter were swift and merciless in their criticism of said build. But is the build itself really that bad?

The Pokémon Company has revealed that restrictions have been placed on moving Spinda between games using Pokémon Home. According to users looking into the matter, the issue is a technical hurdle revolving around how the games place Spinda’s spots.

It sounds like Elon Musk has completed Elden Ring after tweeting high praise for the game on May 22 saying, “Elden Ring, experienced in its entirety, is the most beautiful art I have ever seen.”

The price of a bundle of three Remote Raid Passes in Pokémon GO was raised to 300, an increase of 50 PokéCoins. This update was met with a mixed reaction from players, most of whom expressed disappointment.

Elden Ring players have recently been discussing if the game is worthy of its high Metascore on Metacritic, and opinions appear to be divided.

Elden Ring - Give your foes a well-deserved good night's rest with the sleep status and see their sleeping faces. Even a powerful monster is cute when it sleeps.

Elden Ring’s in-game map has been getting slight tweaks as the game has been updated. YouTuber illusory wall has compiled these changes and explained them in a video.

3D Environment/Prop Artist Lorenzo Drago has managed to recreate a train station in Toyama, Japan, in stunning detail using Unreal Engine 5.