Final FantasyNews2022-08-24 12:46FFXIV producer/director Naoki Yoshida criticizes a Japanese internet service provider over connection issuesAki NogishiFinal Fantasy / News (Japan-related)
News2022-08-23 18:14Bloodborne Kart adds Father Gascoigne to its rosterSayoko NaritaIndie Games / News (Japan-related)
News2022-08-23 17:23Sakurai’s daily Super Smash Bros. Ultimate screenshots come to an end after nearly 3 years of updatesKoutaro SatoNews (Japan-related) / Nintendo
News2022-08-23 13:32Japan gets a new gaming credit card with the Saison Gaming Card DigitalTaijiro YamanakaNews (Japan-related)
News2022-08-23 11:57Ninja Slayer game sees a massive sales boost after a speedrunning event and a name changeSayoko NaritaNews (Japan-related)
News2022-08-22 20:16Where in Japan is Pokémon’s Vermilion City modeled after? An official video reignites a decades-old debateSayoko NaritaPokemon Series
News2022-08-22 18:52Spatial audio voice chat tool CRI TeleXus has been officially releasedAya FurukawaNews (Japan-related)
News2022-08-22 17:14Game retailer in Japan to counter PS5 reselling by requiring customers to sell their PS4 when buying a PS5Taijiro YamanakaNews (Japan-related)
News2022-08-22 13:01Space Channel 5 and Comix Zone to get movie adaptations as Sega partners with PicturestartTaijiro YamanakaNews (Japan-related)
News2022-08-20 15:08Dimension Girl is a new roguelite action game featuring Subspace ConeruKeiichi YokoyamaNews (Japan-related)
News2022-08-20 13:52HORI announces the Split Pad Fit for Nintendo Switch, a slimmer version of the Split Pad Pro controllerTaijiro YamanakaNews (Japan-related) / Nintendo
News2022-08-20 11:26Elden Ring players discover a quarrel between location namesHideaki FujiwaraElden Ring / News (Japan-related)