News2022-12-07 19:55Yuji Naka arrested again on suspicion of insider trading; this time in relation to a Final Fantasy gameAyuo KawaseNews (Japan-related)
News2022-12-07 13:58Splatoon 3 players are abusing the new Big Swig Roller to farm moneyAyuo KawaseSplatoon
News2022-12-06 19:15Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: Reports of “severed heads” have players terrifiedHideaki FujiwaraPokemon Series
News2022-12-06 18:01Splatoon 3: China’s white paper protest expands into popular games around the worldKouSplatoon
News2022-12-05 14:42Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: Sylveon is working too hard, and players are worried about its throatHideaki FujiwaraPokemon Series
News2022-12-03 14:35Just what is Splatoon 3’s mysterious animal that is spreading through Splatsville?Aya FurukawaSplatoon
News2022-12-03 13:57Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: Pokémon now close their eyes when put to sleepHideaki FujiwaraPokemon Series
News2022-12-02 18:47pixiv defines what their ban against offensive or illegal content actually meansLen Aoi (VTuber)News (Japan-related) / Non-Gaming News
News2022-12-02 15:58Splatoon 3’s rank reset feature has players checking just how good they really areAyuo KawaseSplatoon
News2022-12-01 15:46Pokémon Scarlet and Violet let players spin faster than ever beforeAyuo KawasePokemon Series
News2022-12-01 14:50Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: Ranked Battle Series 1 won’t allow Legendary or Paradox PokémonHideaki FujiwaraPokemon Series
News2022-12-01 11:16Why the end of Blizzard and NetEase’s licensing deal was a shock to gamers in ChinaKouNews (Global)