Rune Factory 5 will feature same-sex marriage for the first time in the series

Publication date of the original Japanese article: 2021-09-24 13:22 (JST)
Translated by. Jacob Ritter

Rune Factory 5 released in Japan earlier this year, and on September 24 Marvelous Inc. announced the game’s next updatethey will be implementing same-sex romance and marriage. The update is set to release before the end of the year and will mark the first time the Rune Factory series has featured same-sex relationships and marriage.

In Rune Factory 5, there are six male and six female romanceable characters. Currently, only opposite-sex romance is available; however, following the next update, you will be able to freely romance any of the twelve characters regardless of whether you choose the male or female protagonist.

In STORY OF SEASONS, the series Rune Factory is spun-off from, same-sex romance has already appeared in earlier titles. Through the “Best Friends Ceremony” system (simply called “marriage” in the Western release) STORY OF SEASONS: Friends of Mineral Town gave players the option to have same-sex relationships. And this system was also carried over to STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town, which released earlier this year.

On the other hand, the Rune Factory series has yet to feature same-sex romance or marriage. Currently in Rune Factory 5, you can strengthen your bonds with same-sex characters and become close friends with them, yet nothing beyond that in terms of romance. But following the update, same-sex romance and marriage will be implemented into the series for the first time.

In Rune Factory 5, there will be substantial sub-events where you can get to know the characters better. With the same-sex romance update, it will take a considerable amount of effort from the development team to adjust and add to the format of the events and conversations. Not to mention, it is interesting to consider that these updates are all being added post-launch. Given that Rune Factory 5 (published by XSEED Games in America) will launch overseas in March 2022 with same-sex marriage available from the start, the Japanese version is possibly including this update with that in mind.

If the implementation of same-sex romance is not handled with care, however, the game may earn the ire of players who are celebrating and anticipating its inclusion. The craftsmanship of Marvelous Inc. and Hakama Inc., who have meticulously created these characters, will be put under the microscope for all to see.

Ayuo Kawase
Ayuo Kawase

Editor in chief of AUTOMATON

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