Latest News
Unnerving low-poly Japanese horror game explores the terror of being lost in the mountains
Rendered in a low-poly style that recalls PS1 horror hits Silent Hill & Resident Evil, Dandara explores the terror of being stranded at night
Man acquitted of upskirting charges because of “sexual attraction to Gundam”
In an Ace Attorney-style case in Japan, a man accused of voyeurism was acquitted- in part due to his reported sexual attraction to Gundam.
Marfusha: Sentinel Girls’ source code is messy, but it gets the job done
The Japanese developer behind Marfusha: Sentinel Girls has shared some of the game’s source code in Unity, receiving mixed reactions.
Enjoy life with your custom cat in this quirky, cozy Japanese indie game
Create your own purrfect cat, help people find lost pets and decorate your home in this laidback Japanese life sim for cat lovers.
Why does Apex Legends’ Valkyrie not speak Japanese?
Apex Legends’ Kairi “Valkyrie” Imahara has Japanese blood, but seldom speaks the language. This is influenced by her mixed heritage.
Editor’s choices
Non-gaming news
Niconico mass deletes videos and shuts down adult-oriented fanart portal to comply with international laws
Niconico services’ regulations were revised last October to accommodate international laws pertaining to sexual and violent content.
Indie games
Learn Japanese by taking photos in this cozy new game (Updated)
Shashingo: Learn Japanese with Photography is a fun new language learning game that helps you learn everyday Japanese by taking photos.
Nintendo’s attorney weighs in on what makes emulators illegal
Koji Nishiura, patent attorney and deputy general manager of Nintendo’s intellectual property department, talks about legal problems surrounding emulation.