News2022-03-10 15:22Elden Ring player already achieves a sub-one hour speedrun [Update]Sayoko NaritaElden Ring / News (Global)
Game DevelopmentNews2022-03-10 14:00Japanese PS Store now accepts IARC ratings, making it easier to release games in JapanTaijiro YamanakaNews (Japan-related)
News2022-03-10 10:27JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle R to feature 50 characters from the manga seriesKeiichi YokoyamaNews (Japan-related)
News2022-03-10 09:36The DioField Chronicle is a new real-time strategy RPG from Square EnixYuki KurosawaNews (Japan-related)
News2022-03-10 08:20Valkyrie Elysium announced as the newest title from Valkyrie Profile seriesAyuo KawaseNews (Japan-related)
Indie GamesNews2022-03-09 17:49Cyberpunk RPG ANNO: Mutationem EN/JP/CN voiceover sample showcasedSayoko NaritaIndie Games / News (Global)
Final FantasyNews2022-03-09 17:25Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin to feature reimagined classic areas from the seriesYuki KurosawaFinal Fantasy / News (Japan-related)
Final FantasyNews2022-03-09 16:54Final Fantasy VII Remake: Digital Clock – Buster Sword to release on Sep. 17 in Japan.Ryuki IshiiFinal Fantasy / News (Japan-related)
News2022-03-09 15:56Elden Ring invader being surrounded by a naked crew of macho men becomes a hot topicSayoko NaritaElden Ring / News (Global)
News2022-03-08 17:38Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak special broadcast to air on March 15Ayuo KawaseNews (Japan-related)
News2022-03-08 15:32Former Konami composer sued over payment dispute after a successful crowdfunding campaignYuki KurosawaNews (Japan-related)
News2022-03-08 12:27One Pokémon fan’s database shines light on unsung designers of the seriesAyuo KawaseNews (Japan-related) / Pokemon Series