News2022-07-04 16:29Little Noah: Scion of Paradise is off to a good start both in terms of sales and user reviewsAyuo KawaseNews (Japan-related)
Indie GamesNews2022-07-04 14:15An infinitely spawning poo feature causes issues in a Japanese indie gameSayoko NaritaIndie Games / News (Japan-related)
News2022-07-04 14:08Ridge Racer composer Kohta Takahashi releases a new album inspired by the seriesTaijiro YamanakaNews (Japan-related)
Indie GamesNews2022-07-02 11:55Carta Marina is a game where you explore a 16th century Scandinavian mapKeiichi YokoyamaIndie Games / News (Japan-related)
Final FantasyNews2022-07-01 18:44FFXIV’s Megashiba mount trends in Japan to the confusion of dog lovers who posted their own Shiba InuAki NogishiFinal Fantasy / News (Japan-related)
News2022-07-01 18:08The Metal Max series faces uncertainty as games are removed from sale or transferred to new publishersKeiichi YokoyamaNews (Japan-related)
News2022-07-01 14:15Bandai Namco establishes Bandai Namco Aces to make Ace Combat and other high-end gamesAyuo KawaseNews (Japan-related)
News2022-07-01 12:44Nintendo Sales launches an extended warranty service for Nintendo Switch in JapanAyuo KawaseNews (Japan-related) / Nintendo
News2022-07-01 10:43Dragami Games takes over sale of 15 titles from Kadokawa GamesKeiichi YokoyamaNews (Japan-related)
News2022-06-30 18:57A Ring Fit Adventure player chronicles their successful weight loss journey with a mangaAki NogishiNews (Japan-related)
News2022-06-30 16:19Game engine Cocos Creator to support Nintendo Switch developmentAya FurukawaNews (Japan-related)
News2022-06-30 12:12Capcom is seeing a sharp increase in sales on SteamSayoko NaritaNews (Japan-related)