News2023-01-20 16:35Nintendo Switch games with misleading screenshots removed from saleHideaki FujiwaraNews (Japan-related)
News2023-01-20 15:29Dead Space 2 can finally be purchased in Japan 12 years after releaseTaijiro YamanakaNews (Japan-related)
News2023-01-19 16:14Splatoon 3: Triple Inkstrike buff might make it actually usefulKoutaro SatoSplatoon
News2023-01-19 14:00Splatoon 3’s latest update makes the Tacticooler a new favorite in JapanHideaki FujiwaraSplatoon
News2023-01-18 21:00O2Jam Online has a disastrous Steam launch with just 4% approval rateMizuki KashiwagiNews (Global)
News2023-01-18 20:31Ex-Bandai Namco employee embezzled $4.6 million by selling the company’s mobile devicesKeiichi YokoyamaNews (Japan-related)
News2023-01-17 19:21Bright Memory: Infinite adds partial 3rd-person mode that lets you see the costumes in actionTaijiro YamanakaNews (Japan-related) / PLAYISM
News2023-01-17 16:44Fish Play Pokémon Violet… And do some shopping on the eShopYusuke OizumiPokemon Series
News2023-01-16 20:56FFXIV bug causes Warrior’s Shake It Off to heal absurd amount of HPAki NogishiFinal Fantasy
News2023-01-16 14:43Greninja is coming to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet via Tera Raid BattlesKoutaro SatoPokemon Series
News2023-01-14 16:57Genshin Impact’s Alhaitham is proving to be irresistible to fans all overSayoko NaritaNews (Global) / News (Japan-related)