Latest News
New video game in Japan helps players prepare for earthquakes
Japan’s Tokushima prefecture has released an RPG called e-防災ゲーム (e-Bousai Game), which translates to e-Disaster Preparedness, and teaches players about preparing for natural disasters while they play.
A classic PS1 game masked loading times by having the protagonist trip and fall
A Twitter user introduced how Doki Doki Poyatchio, a Japan-exclusive PlayStation 1 RPG released in 1998, handled loading data. The character in the game would fall down and the game would load while they were getting up.
Genshin Impact’s strange hole in the Sumeru desert becomes a photo spot for players
A strange hole has been discovered in the desert area of Genshin Impact and players have been flocking to it for photos. The hole is located east from The Mausoleum of King Deshret and is deep enough to cover short characters up to their neck.
Japanese porn site sees large influx of AI-generated art and mandates them to be labeled as such
The launch of NovelAI Diffusion has caused a rapid increase in the amount of AI-generated works available on Japanese digital content sites like FANZA. According to FANZA’s new guidelines, any AI-generated content must now include the “AI-Generated” tag.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3’s new update adds the ability to save party formations
Ver. 1.2.0 for Xenoblade Chronicles 3 adds the ability to save and load party formations, despite not being mentioned in Nintendo’s patch notes. There was originally no way to “save” your party formations in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
Editor’s choices
Non-gaming news
Becoming an immortal meme doesn’t mean success: Japanese author’s series stopped selling after its anime adaptation went viral for awkward animation
Author of “Osamake: Romcom Where The Childhood Friend Won’t Lose” opens up about the negative effect the title’s anime adaptation has had on sales of the light novel series.
Indie games
Learn Japanese by taking photos in this cozy new game (Updated)
Shashingo: Learn Japanese with Photography is a fun new language learning game that helps you learn everyday Japanese by taking photos.
Nintendo’s attorney weighs in on what makes emulators illegal
Koji Nishiura, patent attorney and deputy general manager of Nintendo’s intellectual property department, talks about legal problems surrounding emulation.