Wages in Japan’s anime and manga industries are notoriously low. However, Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump, one of Japan’s biggest manga publications, announced significant revisions to their manga manuscript fees on November 18.
Shueisha has received praise in the past for paying their artists more than the average publisher, and they have once again decided to increase manuscript prices. Jump will now pay mangaka a minimum of 20,900 yen (about $135) per black-and-white page and 31,350 yen (about $203) per color page. This is an increase of 2,200 yen and 3,300 yen respectively compared to figures made public last year.
As these are flat rates for newcomer artists, remuneration will increase for each year an author publishes their work in Weekly Shōnen Jump. In addition, the editorial department will allow authors who have offers from other publications to negotiate for higher manuscript fees. Mangaka who get approved for serial publication will receive a deposit payment of 500,000 yen and will be offered an annual 1-million-yen exclusivity contract.

The news from Shueisha has prompted various responses, even from experienced mangaka. Tamiki Wakaki, the artist behind The World God Only Knows, chimed in to say that even at the peak of their career at their former publisher, they did not receive more than what Jump is offering its newcomers. Both manga fans and creators alike are hoping Shueisha sets an example for the rest of the industry.