Palworld: How to build a floating base in the sky 

Palworld player in Japan reveals how to channel Hayao Miyazaki's beloved Laputa Castle in the Sky and build a floating base.

Top selling open world survival game Palworld gives players a lot of freedom, allowing them to build imaginative bases and structures. A user on Japanese X recently took this experimentation to new heights, with an elaborate castle that seems to be floating in the air Laputa-style. 

Post translation: Introduction to playing Palworld for Palworlders Part 5: Aerial Architecture Edition 

The post has since racked up over 300 thousand views, with commenters praising the stunning midair construction. The video contains a clip from the 1986 Studio Ghibli movie Laputa: Castle in the Sky. In the clip, the main characters from the Hayao Miyazaki film chant, “Balse!,” which means “to close” in the Laputa language, and the spell causes the castle to collapse. The clip then switches back to the player’s floating creation in Palworld, which dramatically explodes. 

Source for all images: @TaKe_game__ on X)

It is commonly believed that it’s not possible to build floating structures in Palworld. When you build something, part of your construction must have a foundation that is connected to the ground. If you delete all your construction’s supports, then the whole thing will come crashing down, as one unfortunate base builder found out the hard way. However, according to the floating castle builder, it is possible to create a structure in the air with no foundations. 

Palworld floating base building

In a follow-up post on the thread, they revealed the simple trick behind their construction. First, they explain that building in the air is difficult because you cannot use normal architectural elements like floors or stone walls. As the video below shows, they began by placing two wooden boxes on top of each other with the help of a Pal. It seems that quickly deleting the bottom box and reopening the menu enabled them to keep the top box floating in the air. The poster also added some more example images of impressive structures with aerial elements that they had managed to build. 

With its large global player base, people are frequently discovering new and exciting things that you can do in Palworld, whether it be abusing hapless Pals in the name of science or creating a stairway to heaven boss trap. Why don’t you see if you can replicate this impressive midair building technique? 

Palworld is available in Early Access for the PC (Steam), Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.   

Verity Townsend
Verity Townsend

Automaton West Editor and translator. She has a soft spot for old-school Sierra adventure games and Final Fantasy VIII (yes, 8!). Can often be found hunting down weird forgotten games and finding out everything about them. Frequently muses about characters and lines from Metal Gear Solid and Disco Elysium. Aims to keep Automaton fresh and interesting with a wide variety of articles.

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