Palworld: Don’t make this mistake when building your base 

Building your base in Palworld is hard work, and players are spending hours perfecting intricate, multi-level houses in the game. One user made a fatal mistake while doing so, which caused their entire build to come crashing down before their eyes. Although it was a shame that they wasted their time and effort, they did learn an important lesson through the ordeal, and more importantly, obtained hilarious footage of it happening. 

Post translation: What the..why… 
My two-hour build…I just tried to change the design a bit…how come? 

X (formerly Twitter) user @Uomura shared a video of them trying to edit a staircase at the base of their house in Palworld. As soon as they did so, the stairs, along with the entire construction above them, crumbled into nothingness. The video continues, with them just standing still, taking in the damage. 

It seems that Uomura made the mistake of accidentally deleting the only point of contact that existed between the house and the ground, as is apparent from the pre-destruction screenshot they provided. The image shows a multi-story build that seems to be suspended in the air, save for one point. 

Post translation: I didn’t think so many people would see this lol 
Everyone, make sure your builds have two or more points of contact with the ground… 
This is how it looked before it was destroyed. I worked so hard on it… 

It would appear that Palworld is not as kind as to allow your build to remain suspended in the air by means of mysterious forces the way Fallout 4 does. So, as Uomura warns, make sure you have your supports in place, as deleting  a construction’s only support will make all the connected parts come crashing to the ground. 

The unfortunate video has been very popular in the community, with users lauding the camerawork at the moment of the accident, as well as the unbothered frolicking of the Pals after the destruction took place. 

Going by user reactions, many players have had similar (albeit milder) experiences in games such as Palworld and ARK. On the other hand, those who haven’t had it happen yet seem to have unlocked a new fear upon seeing the video. 

Palworld is available in Early Access for the PC (Steam), Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.      

Amber V
Amber V

Novice Editor-in-Chief since October 2023.

She grew up playing Duke Nukem and Wolfenstein with her dad, and is now enamored with obscure Japanese video games and internet culture. Currently devoted to growing Automaton West to the size of its Japanese sister-site, while making sure to keep news concise and developer stories deep and stimulating.

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