Survival Quiz CITY from Bandai Namco launching March 4 on Steam

Written by. Nick Mosier based on the original Japanese article (original article’s publication date: 2022-01-27 10:40 JST)
Publisher Phoenixx has announced that the multiplayer survival quiz action game Survival Quiz CITY is launching March 4 on Steam. The final playtest for the game is scheduled to occur between February 11 – 13 PST.
Survival Quiz CITY is the first title from GYAAR Studio, an indie game label from Bandai Namco Studios. In the game, players are inhabitants of CITY and take on the Survival Quiz.
The game features two different modes. The first is Survival where players compete to be the last one standing. The game starts with a quiz, and questions cover a wide range of topics from food to animals, to everything in-between. Players that get the question wrong or are too slow to answer get put in the losers group. The floor then drops out from under them, and an action stage begins with the goal of reaching the end within a time limit.
The winners who answered correctly are then given weapons and tasked with attacking the losers to prevent them from reaching their goal. Between rounds, players can visit a shop to purchase power-ups and other items with a variety of effects. Use the coins you earn through the quiz to buy what you need in preparation for the next round.

There’s also Bounty Hunters mode. In this mode, the winner is the player with the most coins after the final round. Players also aren’t dropped in this mode, so everyone can play until the end of the match. But losers that don’t make it to the goal within the time limit lose their coins so be careful.
There’s also a mechanism for losers to use in the final round to make a comeback. If a player on the losing team hits a switch set in front of the goal, the winning team loses everything and becomes unable to attack the losers.
There are plenty of quizzes, stages, gimmicks, and weapons. Quiz types include the Dash Quiz where players rush to the platform corresponding with the correct answer, the Quick Push Quiz where you have to be quick on the buzzer, and the 3 or 5-Question Correct Answer Quiz. There are also custom matches and a Custom Quiz feature where players can make their own quizzes for their custom matches. It also looks like it’s possible to share your quizzes online for other players to use.
The game has random matches of up to 30 players, and players can create rooms to host their custom matches. It’s also possible to password protect these rooms for your custom matches, and there’s a list of player-hosted games that aren’t private that other players can look through and join.

Survival Quiz CITY is scheduled to launch March 4 on Steam.