Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town free content update 1.1.0 announced

Publication date of the original Japanese article: 2021-11-18 13:16 (JST)
Translated by. Nick Mosier
On November 18, Marvelous announced a free, large-scale update (Ver1.1.0) is coming to Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town on November 30 (JST). The update will be for both the Nintendo Switch and Steam versions of the game.
[UPDATE 2021/11/19 00:20 JST] v1.1.0 official patch notes now available in English. Updated this article to add new information found in the patch note.
Ver1.1.0 looks to add an assortment of new content to the game. First are Spirit Quests, which take place in Olive Town after it’s been developed, and present a story revolving around Spirit. It sounds like the request you’ll receive from Spirit and the other townsfolk will be difficult, but the rewards for completing them should be worth your while. Marvelous also hinted at new items for the salon and the appearance of mysterious ladders. In other words, it sounds like endgame content is on the way.
The new Spirit Quests will be available once the player triggers all existing Town Development Events and saves enough Town Development Points. Spirit Quest rewards feature fresh new looks and abilities including:
– New outfits at the beauty salon
– New farming abilities
– A mysterious ladder connecting areas of your farm
There are also going to be 3 new post-marriage events added to the game that include going on a picnic with your family and spending relaxing time together as a couple. These events will be available for each marriage candidate. And if you’ve purchased the Expansion Pass, the events will apply to characters added through that as well.

In addition, festival events such as the Fireworks Display and Spirit Festival can be attended with marriage candidates from past titles made available through the Windswept Falls, Terracotta Oasis, and Twilight Isle expansions packs, which are a part of the Expansion Pass.
Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town launched on the Nintendo Switch in February of this year in Japan and in March in the West. It’s an ambitious title that incorporates a lot of the core elements from the Story of Seasons series while introducing new mechanics.
When it launched, it received criticism for some of its content and the overall quality but has been steadily improving through updates. The game was also released on Steam in September and has surpassed over one million in total shipments. As the game’s content and reputation improve, they may intend to increase sales even further with this upcoming update.
Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town is scheduled to receive its Ver1.1.0 update on November 30 (JST).