All-ages adventure game Magatsu Barai announced from light, a JP game brand known for R18 Visual Novels

Publication date of the original Japanese article: 2021-09-24 16:48 (JST)
Translated by. Ryuki Ishii
On September 24, Japanese game brand light announced their new title Magatsu Barai. The game will launch on January 27, 2022, as an “All-ages” Nintendo Switch title in Japan. The teaser site has opened, and several images of characters can be seen. More details will be announced during the TGS2021 ONLINE program “Happinet GAME SHOWCASE in TGS2021 1st STAGE” on October 1 at 5 pm JST (1 am PDT).

Magatsu Barai is a battle adventure game by light, a game brand known for titles such as Silverio and Dies irae Also sprach Zarathstra. They mainly release R18 Bishoujo games, but the newest title will be for all ages.
light’s games are praised by users for their scenarios and intense battle scenes. Although the details of the new game are unknown, there’s an image of a silver-haired girl, and several images of male/female characters fighting in what appears to be school uniforms. It looks like we can expect to see a hefty dose of battle scenes in the new game.
Of course, dynamic battle scenes are not the only focus of Magatsu Barai. light also aims to deliver an exhilarating, exciting, and enjoyable story. Their signature storytelling and battle sequences aside, we can’t wait to see how the new title will differentiate itself from light’s previous titles as well.

Magatsu Barai is scheduled to launch on January 27, 2022, in Japan. Further information will be delivered during TGS2021.