Written by. Nick Mosier based on the original Japanese article (original article’s publication date: 2022-05-30 13:50 JST)
It looks like Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of Final Fantasy, has created a free company in Final Fantasy XIV. The name of this new free company is “SQUARE” and abbreviated as “SQ.” Sakaguchi’s title within the free company is executive vice president which happens to be what his title was during his time at Square. So at least on paper, it looks like he’s back at his old role, even if just in FFXIV.
Sakaguchi began playing FFXIV in October of 2021. Since then, he’s gone on to blast through the main story (related article), establish his own in-game fashion brand called “sakaGUCCI” (related article), and make waves online by totally immersing himself in the game in his private life.
Despite playing the game for over 6 months, his enthusiasm doesn’t seem to be slowing down. On Twitter, we can also see him posting after clearing difficult content like Pandaemonium Asphodelos (Savage) and when entering Dragonsong’s Reprise (Ultimate).
A free company in FFXIV is a player-run organization and the game’s version of guilds. Free companies can purchase land in the game to house their members and get to enjoy their own private chat.
It’s also possible to create a company crest, with Sakaguchi’s new free company drawing inspiration from the letter “A” in Square’s former logo and the blue color from the original Final Fantasy logo.

One thing that stands out is Sakaguchi’s title of “executive vice president.” Free companies have a master rank and leadership roles below that with titles that can be freely modified. Sakaguchi who was previously the executive vice president at the actual Square is now back in the same role again at his new free company SQUARE. Note that SQUARE is not accepting new members so joining without a connection to Sakaguchi in the game will probably be difficult.
The father of Final Fantasy seems to be enjoying the connections one can make with others as a player of an MMORPG, and we can’t wait to see what’s next in his adventures through Eorzea.
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