NewsNon-Gaming News2024-01-10 19:52New Japanese AI tool will detect suspicious job listings Verity TownsendAI / News (Japan-related) / Non-Gaming News
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News2024-01-09 20:34Someone has actually made that crazy math action game you saw on YouTube Yusuke FujiiIndie Games / News (Japan-related)
News2024-01-09 17:17Nintendo Switch gaming brings cheer to children in earthquake evacuation center Verity TownsendNews (Japan-related) / Nintendo
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News2024-01-05 12:17Japanese industry veteran warns about negative impact of gamers’ harsh language Verity TownsendNews (Japan-related) / Splatoon
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Final FantasyNews2023-12-26 17:05Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Christmas Roulette terrifies fans with too much SephirothHideaki FujiwaraFinal Fantasy / News (Japan-related)