Palworld’s Bellanoir raid: How to avoid setting yourself up for failure

Palworld just got its first raid, and there are some important precautions to take if you don't want to destroy your base or fail for no good reason.

PocketPair released update for the Steam version of Palworld on April 4, which introduces Palworld’s first raid, fought against Bellanoir. Players who were quick to tackle the new challenge found out that the fight can have devastating consequences if approached recklessly. Here are some important points to watch out for when going on a raid in Palworld. Please note that the following article contains spoilers. 

In Palworld, raids are initiated by summoning the Raid Boss using a Pal Slab at a Summoning Altar. To summon Bellanoir, you will need to collect and assemble 4 Bellanoir Slab Fragments. Summoning Altars can be unlocked at level 33 with Ancient Technology Points and assembled at a base. 

As the summoning and subsequent Raid Boss fight occur at your base, the location you select will be of crucial importance – users in the Palworld community on Reddit have been warning users not to summon Bellanoir at their main base at any cost, as the powerful dark elemental-type Pal’s laser attacks will swiftly destroy any structures you have painstakingly built. In other words, if you’re planning on initiating a raid, do so on a base you can easily repair or don’t mind having razed. Some Palworld players are creating specialized raid-bases for this purpose. 

Another important point in taking on Bellanoir is the placement of your Palbox, the core of your base. In Palworld, raids last until the boss is defeated or until the player’s Palbox is destroyed. However, if your Palbox happens to be placed on top of a foundation, the foundation (which is a lot more fragile than a Palbox) being destroyed will equal your Palbox being destroyed, which means that you could potentially fail the raid instantly just from having a single foundation destroyed. That’s why it’s advisable to place your Palbox directly on the ground. 

Reddit user Lost_Nebula_5570 even recommends finding a natural cliff and placing your Palbox on top of it, while making sure Bellanoir’s summoning and subsequent attacks happen at the bottom. This seems like an effective strategy as the natural terrain will do a much better job protecting your Palbox from Bellanoir’s attacks than any built constructions. 

PocketPair have promised a massive Palworld expansion coming Summer 2024. The new update may include more raid content, but as the newly- introduced mechanic sort of requires players to “sacrifice” a base or use a throwaway, many are hoping for a default base limit increase in future updates.  

Palworld is available in early access for the PC (Steam), Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.        

Amber V
Amber V

Novice Editor-in-Chief since October 2023.

She grew up playing Duke Nukem and Wolfenstein with her dad, and is now enamored with obscure Japanese video games and internet culture. Currently devoted to growing Automaton West to the size of its Japanese sister-site, while making sure to keep news concise and developer stories deep and stimulating.

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