News2021-12-10 17:44Tales of series producer apologizes for comments about Tales of ZestiriaAyuo KawaseNews (Japan-related)
Indie GamesNews2021-12-10 17:22GOODBYE WORLD, a game about two game developers, announced for SteamKeiichi YokoyamaIndie Games / News (Japan-related)
News2021-12-09 20:25Nintendo Switch’s AAA Clock Deluxe Edition comes with Squid Game inspired clock design [UPDATE].Ryuki IshiiNews (Japan-related)
News2021-12-09 18:15Masayuki Uemura, the creator of NES, has passed away at age 78Yuki KurosawaNews (Japan-related)
News2021-12-09 16:53Ace Attorney characters recruited to teach Japan’s youth the dangers of marijuanaNick MosierNews (Japan-related)
News2021-12-09 10:42An unofficial Super Smash Bros. Ultimate database uses machine learning to make tier listsAyuo KawaseNews (Japan-related)
News2021-12-08 22:21Japan Metaverse Association has been established to promote NFT, and the initial receptions are quite negativeYuki KurosawaNews (Japan-related)
News2021-12-08 19:02Pokémon BDSP sold over 6 million units during its launch week. On par with Pokémon Sword and Shield’s first-week salesAyuo KawaseNews (Japan-related) / Pokemon Series
News2021-12-08 17:45Shin Megami Tensei V makes use the “Kawaii Physics” plugin for protagonist’s hairSayoko NaritaNews (Japan-related)
News2021-12-08 13:51A-Train: All Aboard! Tourism is now available on SteamNick MosierNews (Japan-related)
News2021-12-08 12:30Nintendo Switch network services were down due to AWS outage [Update: outage resolved]Ayuo KawaseNews (Japan-related) / Nintendo
News2021-12-07 20:06Genshin Impact players are beating up cute canines with insanely high HPKeiichi YokoyamaNews (Global)