News2023-11-29 13:22Super Mario 64 speedrunner reveals lightning-fast route to star Verity TownsendNews (Global) / Nintendo
News2023-11-28 18:45Steamy roguelike JRPG mixes dungeon crawling and hotspring bathing Taijiro YamanakaNews (Japan-related)
News2023-11-28 15:34Hideo Kojima discusses the game that gave him an ulcer Verity TownsendNews (Japan-related)
News2023-11-28 13:05Creators of original Super Mario RPG celebrate the remake’s quality, emphasize the importance of a certain key staff memberAyuo KawaseNews (Japan-related) / Nintendo
News2023-11-27 18:47GTA6: Heavy smoker finds motivation to stop smoking thanks to upcoming release Mayo KawanoNews (Global)
NewsReviews & Impressions2023-11-27 18:28Hira Hira Hihiru launches to rave reviews – an enthralling portrayal of illness, hardship and society Ayuo KawaseNews (Japan-related)
News2023-11-27 14:19A Bandai Namco Holdings employee made 87 million yen by illegally reselling disposed inventory Sayoko NaritaNews (Japan-related)
News2023-11-27 14:11Tears of the Kingdom: Godzilla makes a convincing appearance in Hyrule Verity TownsendNews (Japan-related) / Nintendo / Zelda1
News2023-11-27 11:23Attack on Titan lawsuit: Man taken to court for comparing a woman to the Cart Titan Amber VAnime / Non-Gaming News1
News2023-11-24 16:50“Like a Dragon: Gaiden is a perfect entry point to the series” RGG Studio’s comment causes turmoil among fans Ayuo KawaseNews (Japan-related)
News2023-11-24 16:49“Having fun playing video games feels like a thing of the past” – veteran pro-gamer sparks debate on matchmaking issues in online competitive play Hideaki FujiwaraNews (Global)
News2023-11-24 14:24Omocat’s horror JRPG Omori to get a full manga adaptation Amber VIndie Games / News (Japan-related)