News2023-12-01 18:21Latest Steam hit horror game The Exit 8 sells over 30,000 copies within a day of releaseAyuo KawaseIndie Games / News (Japan-related)
News2023-12-01 17:03Japanese grandma racks up hours on the Nintendo Switch playing Suika Game Verity TownsendNews (Japan-related) / Nintendo
News2023-12-01 15:54Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom players discover baffling high-speed flying glitchHideaki FujiwaraNews (Japan-related) / Zelda
News2023-12-01 12:39Chilla’s Art to release another game in 2023 Amber VIndie Games / News (Japan-related)
News2023-12-01 11:30Are there really rooms behind every window in Marvel’s Spider-Man? This is how developers create the illusion Hideaki FujiwaraNews (Global)
News2023-11-30 19:06Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom player builds breathtakingly convincing steam locomotive Amber V
News2023-11-30 14:43Armored Core meets roguelite elements in upcoming indie TPS Amber VIndie Games / News (Global)
News2023-11-30 14:37This indie game is many Japanese players’ personal pick for Game of the Year Verity TownsendIndie Games / News (Japan-related)
News2023-11-30 12:51Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom player creates diabolic elevator of death Amber VNews (Japan-related) / Zelda
News2023-11-29 17:52This PlayStation 5 water-cooling unit costs more than the console itself Amber VNews (Japan-related)
News2023-11-29 17:30Unofficial Pokémon Regitube makes a huge splash Hideaki FujiwaraNews (Global) / Nintendo / Pokemon Series
News2023-11-29 16:03From Dark Souls III to Sekiro to Bloodborne, which SoulsBorne boss has left the most players broken? We analyzed trophy data to find out AUTOMATON WESTElden Ring / News (Japan-related)