Final FantasyNews2024-02-13 18:14Final Fantasy VII Rebirth was inspired by Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Zero Dawn, according to director Ayuo KawaseNews (Japan-related)
News2024-02-13 17:15Palworld parents notice striking similarity between Pals and their toddlers Verity TownsendNews (Global)
News2024-02-13 15:52The Pokémon Company is working on AI specialized for Pokémon battles based on chess AI Amber VNews (Japan-related) / Pokemon Series
Indie GamesNews2024-02-13 14:08This turn-based strategy game involves rabbit farts and medieval manuscripts Verity TownsendIndie Games / News (Global)
News2024-02-13 13:45Palworld players report rare cases of gigantic PalsHideaki FujiwaraNews (Japan-related)
Indie GamesNews2024-02-13 12:18Transform into a skeleton and fix bugs in this fourth wall-breaking retro action game within a game Akihiro SakuraiIndie Games / News (Global)
Game DevelopmentNews2024-02-13 11:18RPG Maker XP is available for free on Steam for a limited time Amber VNews (Japan-related)
News2024-02-09 18:15Does pineapple belong on pizza or not? This Japanese board game is about battling it out Amber VNews (Japan-related)
News2024-02-09 17:38Palworld: How to build a floating base in the sky Verity TownsendNews (Japan-related)
Indie GamesNews2024-02-09 16:36Collect “pocket-sized Machos” in Japanese PvP game Macho Scooping Amber VNews (Japan-related)
News2024-02-09 15:053D custom mecha action game “Dolls Nest” by Nitroplus to launch in 2024 Hideaki FujiwaraNews (Japan-related)
Indie GamesNews2024-02-09 14:05Door Simulator teaches you the secrets of opening and closing doors Kosuke TakenakaIndie Games / News (Global)