Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s hidden Sephiroth sighting is like something out of a horror movie 

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is full of attention to detail- especially in the environments and characters (for example, just watch how Red XIII’s flaming tail reflects against things). However, one unnerving little detail involving troubled antagonist Sephiroth has caught the attention of an eagle-eyed user on X. Although it makes perfect sense story-wise, the foreboding sight of Sephiroth peering out of Nibelheim Inn’s windows in Chapter 1 makes for some extra foreshadowing as to his true nature.  

The creepy glimpse of Sephiroth’s blurry face behind the Inn’s rain-stained windows can be seen when you first gain control of Cloud after arriving at Nibelheim in the Chapter 1 flashback. It is easier to get a good look if you climb the water tower and then angle the camera towards the windows on the inn’s second floor. Sephiroth’s presence at the window is an accurate little detail, as Sephiroth tells you to meet him at the inn after you finish exploring Cloud’s hometown. He is still standing in this position when you go to the inn’s upper floor and have a rather disturbing conversation with him, before getting some rest and setting off for the mako reactor the following day. 

Cloud in Nibelheim in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Whether intentional or not, the blurry appearance of Sephiroth’s face adds some extra foreshadowing as to his true nature and the events that are about to unfold. Incidentally, many other little easter eggs and references can be found in Nibelheim in Chapters 1 and 11. Tifa’s room alone contains posters with references to the original Final Fantasy 7’s Emerald and Ruby Weapons, as well as Zell’s Dolphin Blow limit break from Final Fantasy 8. Exploring Tifa’s room in Chapter 1 also gives a humorous nod to Cloud’s underwear stealing antics in the original Final Fantasy 7. Eagle eyed players may also notice that Cloud’s body language in Chapter 1 is different from normal, and the reason why will become clear as you play through the game. 

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is available on PS5

Verity Townsend
Verity Townsend

Automaton West Editor and translator. She has a soft spot for old-school Sierra adventure games and Final Fantasy VIII (yes, 8!). Can often be found hunting down weird forgotten games and finding out everything about them. Frequently muses about characters and lines from Metal Gear Solid and Disco Elysium. Aims to keep Automaton fresh and interesting with a wide variety of articles.

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