Towards the end of the first official trailer for Doom: The Dark Ages, viewers were treated to what looks to be footage of a playable Atlan segment. These massive bipedal weapons first appeared in Doom Eternal, but were mostly inoperable due to their expired or missing Sentinel Power Cores. Since Doom: The Dark Ages takes place years before 2016’s Doom and Doom Eternal, these machines will be fully functioning and ready to heed their pilot’s commands for the first time in the series’ history. But what do we know about them so far?

Atlans come from another planet
Atlans are war machines that were made to be used exclusively by the Night Sentinels – a warrior caste from the planet Argent D’Nur – in their fight against the forces of Hell. Since the planet was eventually overrun by demons, Atlan machines and other traces of battle can be found during the Doom Slayer’s trips to Argent D’Nur and Hell.
Atlans share certain design similarities with the Doom Slayer’s Praetor Suit as they were made by Argent D’Nur craftsmen. Atlans have a green color scheme, shoulder-mounted cannons like the Doom Slayer’s Equipment Launcher, and were made to wield extremely large lances that project energy blades not dissimilar to Doom Slayer’s Crucible.
Unlike the Doom Slayer’s Praetor Suit, however, Atlans can shoot energy beams from their hands thanks to their Sentinel Power Cores. They were also made to look more medieval and sport two horns on their heads like those found on Viking helms. Whether these horns were added to provide a last-ditch close-quarter combat option or to enrich their visual design is a mystery, but anyone who looks at an Atlan will be able to distinguish it from the Titans it fights.

Atlans were made to fight massive demons
Most of the Atlans in Doom Eternal are seen frozen mid-battle against Hell’s Titan demons. According to the in-game lore, the Sentinel pilots abandoned the Atlans when their Power Cores ran dry and continued to fight the demons on foot.
Despite losing the fight on Argent D’Nur, there are operational Atlans that still exist. Multiple Atlans can be seen in The Ancient Gods – Part Two DLC where the Night Sentinels use them to fight the Dark Lord and his minions. An Atlan with missing limbs can also be found in the Doom Slayer’s Fortress of Doom, waiting to be repaired for a future battle.
These Atlans are weapons of a bygone era, however, whereas those found in Doom: The Dark Ages look to be fresh off the factory line. The upcoming game will likely take place on Argent D’Nur and follow the Doom Slayer as he helps the Sentinels reclaim their planet. The Doom Slayer is going to need all the help that he can get, and a massive Atlan mech might just provide the giant hand he needs.