Devil Reversi is a wicked take on traditional Reversi that lets you stack game pieces on top of each other, coming to Steam on November 21 

Devil Reversi, a competitive strategy game that bends the rules of Reversi, is launching on Steam on November 11.

Japanese novelist and game creator Roman Kitayama will release Devil Reversi on November 21 for the PC (Steam). The game will be available in English and Japanese. 

Devil Reversi is a competitive strategy game based on the board game Reversi, or Othello. It follows the same basic principle of flanking your opponent’s game pieces with your own, but it adds the dimension of height – meaning that you can now stack game pieces vertically. The addition of this new “forbidden rule” adds an extra layer of strategy to Devil Reversi. The game also includes other twists and deviations from conventional rules, like a system that lets you prevent a piece from being flipped by sacrificing it. 

The upcoming title comes with a story mode revolving around two Demon Kings, a singleplayer mode where you play against AI, and an online PvP mode. 

The creator of Devil Reversi is former game company CEO Roman Kitayama. He is currently active as a novelist and game developer, and his novel Etrange Overlord has been confirmed for comic and video game adaptations. 

Devil Reversi boasts original character designs by none other than Vanillaware’s George Kamitani, as well as a soundtrack by Final Fantasy XII and Wizardry Variants Daphne composer Hitoshi Sakimoto, making it a colorful artistic collaboration. 
Devil Reversi is scheduled to launch on November 21 for the PC (Steam). 

Ayuo Kawase
Ayuo Kawase

Editor in chief of AUTOMATON

Articles: 354

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