Street Fighter 6 menu shows Ryu’s third nipple apparently 

Ryu, who has been in the Street Fighter roster ever since the arcade beat-em ups’ debut in 1987, is naturally a playable character in the series’ latest title Street Fighter 6. But recently, a comment about the original world warrior’s nipples was posted on Reddit, becoming a hot topic. 

Yes, you read that right. Commenting on Ryu’s appearance in Street fighter 6’s menu, Reddit user ShameGuardian asked “Will Capcom ever fix Ryu’s shoulder nipple?” The post quickly spawned an outpouring of reactions from the community. 

The image of Ryu in question is displayed when you choose the ‘ONLINE’ category in the ‘FIGHTING GROUND’ section of Street Fighter 6. ShameGuardian has helpfully circled in red the mark on Ryu’s shoulder that they claim is one of Ryu’s nipples. 

Street Fighter 6 selection menu

The post received mixed reactions, with some commenters lamenting that they had never noticed this before but would not be able to unsee it now. Others declared that the mysterious shoulder mark is a bruise, or a hickey made by someone else. Some users leapt to Ryu’s defense with a “third nipple theory,” adding that this is something that 1 in 20 people actually have. Others mused on possible story implications. 

byu/ShameGuardian from discussion

Let’s analyze the matter. The mark on Ryu’s left shoulder in the menu screen looks too dark to be a shadow created by his costume. Its round shape and color are very similar to Ryu’s right nipple, so it’s no wonder that commenters are divided as to whether it is an actual nipple or just a bruise from all that fighting. 

Ryu Street Fighter 6

However, even if you squint at Ryu’s shoulder during a match, there seems to be no trace of the mysterious mark. As far as the author can confirm, the supposed nipple can only be seen on a specific menu screen, so now the question is; Was Ryu’s third nipple a simple glitch, as ShameGuardian suggests, or was it deliberately shown by Capcom? What does the perplexing protrusion indicate? The mystery of what exactly this mark is only deepens. 

Street Fighter 6 is currently available for PC (Steam), PS4/PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. Incidentally, a new character called Ed will be available as downloadable content from February 27. 

Written by. Verity Townsend based on the original Japanese article (original article’s publication date: 2024-02-06 18:29 JST) 

Kosuke Takenaka
Kosuke Takenaka


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