Japanese Bible ASMR with cute anime girls is a thing 

Strange combo of Japanese Bible ASMR, weird thumbnail captions, and cute anime girls puzzles social media users

A recent post on Japanese social media called attention to a YouTube channel that offers ASMR readings of the Japanese Bible in a cute girly voice. With many of the videos featuring images of doe-eyed anime girls and absurd thumbnail captions, the strange combination elicited puzzled and amused reactions from commenters. 

Post translation: I came across something strange… 

What the poster discovered is the YouTube channel ASMR Church of Christ (ASMRキリスト教会). The channel describes itself as a cyber-church that preaches Christianity through ASMR, adding that “cute voice actors will heal you through whispered recitals of the Bible.” ASMR Church is part of the Calvinism branch of Protestantism. In their profile they state that the videos are based on a 1954/1955 vernacular translation of the Bible for copyright reasons. 

The video thumbnails feature cute anime girls, sometimes in slightly provocative poses- leading to some bemusement among X users about the delivery not matching the nature of the content.  

Post translation: Lmao there’s some stuttering and the kanji aren’t read correctly in some places.  
It’s kind of erotic but the content isn’t erotic.  
I guess that’s enough for today? 
Post translation: I burst out laughing after I clicked on the link to find that it’s not recited aloud, but all whispered. 

ASMR Church’s channel seems to use humor and bizarre thumbnails to help it attract viewers.  

Video title: New Testament ASMR First Epistle to the Corinthians Chapter 13. 
Thumbnail translation: What do you mean I can’t leave this room until I’ve read all the pages of the Bible?! 
Video title: Old Testament ASMR Psalms Psalm 95 
Thumbnail translation: The Bible is more stimulating than Tinder! 
Video title: Old Testament ASMR Psalms Psalm 92 
Thumbnail translation: Haha, I’m Mickey! 

ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) refers to a pleasant tingly feeling that some people experience when listening to certain sounds. Gaining in popularity, ASMR is now often used to label various sound-based content that attempts to trigger this sensation (such as soft voiced narration, tapping and crinkly sounds). ASMR has been described as a good sensation, but not everyone experiences it. For some, the sounds can feel as pleasant as nails on a chalkboard.   

The Bible is not the only example of a very old text being given the ASMR treatment in Japanese. Another poster pointed out that there are similar videos using ancient Japanese texts like the Kojiki.  

Post translation: I thought “How about (ASMR recordings of) the Kojiki?” but of course they already exist lol. 

Whether you like these ASMR videos or not, one thing is for certain- it’s definitely a different way of learning old scriptures.

Verity Townsend
Verity Townsend

Automaton West Editor and translator. She has a soft spot for old-school Sierra adventure games and Final Fantasy VIII (yes, 8!). Can often be found hunting down weird forgotten games and finding out everything about them. Frequently muses about characters and lines from Metal Gear Solid and Disco Elysium. Aims to keep Automaton fresh and interesting with a wide variety of articles.

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