Someone has developed a convenient web tool that helps players find Shrines of Light/Lightroots in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. The tool is especially useful when trying to find a shrine you’ve overlooked.

The world of Tears of the Kingdom includes a variety of locations and even stretches vertically, with players being able to explore both The Sky and The Depths. Some of the most vital locations are the Shrines of Light that can be found scattered around The Surface and The Sky. Not only can they act as fast travel points, but completing each shrine will grant Link a Light of Blessing, which can increase his number of Heart Containers or improve his stamina.
There are several in-game functions that can help you locate the shrines. Shrines of Light that have yet to be completed are surrounded by a large swirl of green energy, which makes the majority of shrines easy to spot from a distance. Furthermore, as you progress through the game, you will obtain a Shrine Sensor that can alert you if a shrine is near your current location. On the other hand, it’s not difficult to overlook some shrines while you play, and there are likely many players who spend a great deal of time trying to find the ones that they missed.

But now there is a convenient tool that can help cut down on the time spent searching for these shrines. Software developer Haoke Peng has developed a browser tool called “Automatically Locate All Missing Shrines and Lightroots,” which can be used on all three layers of the map (The Surface, The Sky, and The Depths). What you need to do is go to Lookout Landing Skyview Tower and then open the map and zoom out as much as possible. Then move the cursor to the top-left corner and take a screenshot, and take a second screenshot with the cursor at the bottom-left. Finally, upload both screenshots and hit the “Find” button. This will create a map that shows all the shrines and Lightroots that you have yet to discover.

Given how easy it is to overlook shrines while navigating the vast and hilly world of Hyrule, players who want to complete them all will no doubt be thrilled to discover Peng’s tool, as searching for missed shrines can be arduous and time-consuming even when using a guide.
Incidentally, the locations of Shrines of Light on The Surface correspond to the locations of Lightroots in The Depths (Related article). This means that exploring The Depths may also help you to discover a shrine that you couldn’t find on The Surface. For those players who want to find all the shrines themselves without relying on tools, it may be a good idea to explore both The Surface and The Depths alongside each other.
Written by. Marco Farinaccia based on the original Japanese article (original article’s publication date: 2023-06-24 09:32JST)