Pesticide company releases cockroach escape game in Japan

Japanese pesticide manufacturer Earth Corporation has released a first-person 3D cockroach action game. Players take control of a cockroach and must escape a room that is filled with Earth Corporation’s insect control products.

Japanese pesticide and insect repellent manufacturer Earth Corporation has released a first-person 3D cockroach action game for smartphone browsers on its official website (the game is in Japanese only).

Players take control of a cockroach and must eat four pieces of food before attempting to escape a room that is filled with Earth Corporation’s insect control products. The cockroach is able to slip into any narrow gaps and has the ability to climb walls. Just like real-life cockroaches, it isn’t all that difficult to hide away and give humans the slip.

However, even with these abilities, escaping from Earth Corporation’s products is not an easy task. You will be under attack by the company’s well-known products in Japan, such as insecticide sprays, bombs, sticky traps, baits, and more. While most people use these extermination products without a second thought, by playing the game you will get a first-hand look at exactly how they kill cockroaches.

A full playthrough will likely take you around 10 minutes, and there are some players who are sharing their fastest times on Twitter. If you’re interested and are in an area where you can access the site, why not give the game a try and see if you can become the fastest cockroach.

Written by. Marco Farinaccia based on the original Japanese article (original article’s publication date: 2022-12-28 17:49 JST)

Sou Matsubara
Sou Matsubara


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