Written by. Nick Mosier based on the original Japanese article (original article’s publication date: 2022-06-20 11:14 JST)
Japanese game development studio Treasure welcomed their 30th anniversary on June 19 and revealed that they are developing a new game they hope to announce in 2022.
Treasure is a studio that was founded in 1992 by former Konami developer Masato Maegawa. They made their debut with Gunstar Heroes for the Sega Genesis and continued putting out action titles throughout the 90s and 2000s. On top of their original releases, they were also contracted by other companies to make games. The studio was referred to as a “group of artisans” and has fans all over the world.
However, their recent releases have consisted of ports of past titles with no new games coming from the studio in quite some time. Their most recent release was a port of the vertical shooter Ikaruga to the Epic Games Store, which was also ported to Steam, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation 4.

Treasure’s tweet celebrating their 30th anniversary also contained a comment saying they were “eagerly developing ‘that’ highly requested title” with the aim of announcing it this year. As for what they’re developing, no other information has been revealed at this time, but based on the comment, it sounds like the project is related to a past Treasure release instead of being something completely new.
Besides the games mentioned above, Treasure is known for titles such as Guardian Heroes, Radiant Silvergun, Alien Soldier, Sin and Punishment, and more. The tweet has fans speculating about a sequel to one of these games or perhaps ports to modern consoles. With such little information and so many fan-favorite games to choose from, it’s hard to know just what “‘that’ title” could be referring to. We’ll be keeping our eye on any further developments.