A Monster Hunter fan continues to track down series producer’s wardrobe online

A Monster Hunter fan continues to track down series producer Ryozo Tsujimoto’s wardrobe online. We know Tsujimoto was wearing a DIESEL cutsew long sleeve shirt thanks to @__TARO’s work.

Written by. Nick Mosier based on the original Japanese article (original article’s publication date: 2022-03-16 16:26 JST)

Capcom released new information regarding Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak via their Monster Hunter Digital Event broadcast on March 15. But while most were enamored by the latest news, one fan was focused on something else. Ryozo Tsujimoto’s shirt.

Ryozo Tsujimoto is the producer of the Monster Hunter series and the third son of Capcom CEO Kenzo Tsujimoto. Ryozo Tsujimoto joined Capcom in 1996 as a planner, and after planning and working as a network administrator on the arcade game Tech Romancer, he joined development on the first Monster Hunter title. Since Monster Hunter Freedom 2, Tsujimoto has worked as the series’ producer and contributed greatly to the franchise’s growth, while in the difficult spot of being the CEO’s son. He also has a deep understanding of the series and a strong trust from the fanbase.

Tsujimoto often appears to the public as the face of the franchise. And when he does, Japanese Twitter user @__TARO is there to identify what he’s wearing. @__TARO first tracked down Tsujimoto’s shirt from a broadcast back in January of 2021. After looking into what Tsujimoto was wearing, @__TARO was able to identify it as the Vivienne Westwood Point Check Classic Shirt.

During the May 2021 broadcast, @__TARO tracked down Tsujimoto’s black UNDERCOVER shirt. And again, during the September 2021 broadcast with the Vivienne Westwood Final Contrast short sleeve shirt. Now with the March 15 broadcast, we know Tsujimoto was wearing a DIESEL cutsew long sleeve shirt thanks to @__TARO’s work.

We should also mention how fast they track these items down. In the 4 broadcasts up to this point, @__TARO has managed to identify each shirt within 30 minutes of the broadcast ending.  Other viewers try to track down the clothing items as well, but @__TARO’s speed and consistency is unmatched.

But just how does @__TARO find these shirts so fast? We reached out to learn more. It sounds like @__TARO has always been into fashion and can identify the brands based on logos and designs. From there, they thought it might be interesting to share the exact shirts being worn on social media and began making the posts. @__TARO says because of their fashion knowledge, they can go to a brand’s website and track down the clothing.

But finding Tsujimoto’s shirt from the recent March 15 broadcast was a challenge. @__TARO says they didn’t know the brand and was left fumbling. By searching for designs Tsujimoto might like based on his past preferences, @__TARO was able to zero in on the DIESEL shirt while checking online stores just 16 minutes after the broadcast ended. We asked if they had any tips for finding the shirts so quickly, but @__TARO said it’s difficult to put into words. However, they did comment that anyone with decent searching skills can probably do it.

Even a game developer can be treated like an idol of sorts once they become well known. Another example is director and producer of Final Fantasy XIV Naoki Yoshida, who often has his clothes and accessories identified after appearing in broadcasts. Another is Pokémon series producer Junichi Masuda who has his clothing and style changes analyzed by fans. Super Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai even had his sofa identified fairly recently (related article in Japanese). These are all creators with a passionate fanbase, and it looks like Tsujimoto is now in their company.

When we asked @__TARO if they liked Tsujimoto, they said, “of course!” @__TARO says they were drawn to Tsujimoto after seeing him on a broadcast for the first time and finding him charming. @__TARO also refers to Tsujimoto as RYOZO in their tweets, implying a sense of closeness. @__TARO finding the shirts Tsujimoto wears isn’t just about fashion knowledge, but an example of Tsujimoto being loved by fans of the Monster Hunter series. As an aside, @__TARO’s favorite weapon types to use in Monster Hunter Rise are the sword and shield, great sword, and bow.

Ayuo Kawase
Ayuo Kawase

Editor in chief of AUTOMATON

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