Genshin Impact leakers are being sued by the developer miHoYo

Genshin Impact leakers have confirmed rumors that they are being sued by the game's developer miHoYo. miHoYo is seeking roughly $78,400 in compensation.

Publication date of the original Japanese article: 2021-11-29 12:52 (JST)
Translated by. Nick Mosier

An image has been uploaded online that indicates miHoYo is taking legal action against multiple Genshin Impact information leakers, and some of the leakers have indicated that the image is real.

Genshin Impact is an open world action RPG made by Chinese developer miHoYo. The game has achieved worldwide popularity and has an active community exchanging information. Because of this, there’s almost no end to information leaking from beta tests and other sources.

And in September of this year, miHoYo challenged the operator of Chinese video platform bilibili in a lawsuit to get information about the users leaking information. With miHoYo stepping up their efforts to stop leaks, many leakers have decided to step away and stop releasing information (related article in Japanese).

But this time, miHoYo is taking the fight directly to the leakers. On November 27, Genshin Impact leaker Tangzhu uploaded an image to Twitter saying that miHoYo is suing multiple leakers. The image contains the names of 7 bilibili accounts that dealt with leaked information, as well as their personal information. Among them are “堂主_Tz” and “Genshin_Tz,” two accounts that Tangzhu was likely involved with.

According to Tangzhu, miHoYo is demanding 500,000 yuan (roughly $78,400) in compensation from the operators of the accounts. Tangzhu also says they aren’t bound by a non-disclosure agreement, casting doubts on the validity of the lawsuit.

自由大野猪, another leaker on the list has reacted to the text in the image on bilibili saying that they believe it’s real. They also reported that the image has been circulating online for a few months. Much is still unclear such as how it’s related to the earlier bilibili lawsuit.

In July of this year, miHoYo publicly stated on bilibili they are taking action against leakers, and referred to the above “堂主_Tz” and “Genshin_Tz,” accounts with symbols.  While some letters were hidden by asterisks, miHoYo basically called them out by name. They also stated that they were willing to take legal action in their message. If the image circulating now is real, then miHoYo is making good on their word.

Even now, information about the upcoming version of Genshin Impact is leaking online, so the battle between miHoYo and leakers is likely to continue.

Sayoko Narita
Sayoko Narita


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