Final FantasyNews2024-03-27 13:52Final Fantasy 14 lost 300,000 players because of one boss fight, reveals Yoshi-P Amber VNews (Japan-related)
Final FantasyNews2024-03-13 16:31Final Fantasy VII Rebirth director responds to yellow paint issue – it’s not a “yes or no” question Ayuo KawaseNews (Japan-related)2
Final FantasyNews2024-03-13 14:31Final Fantasy Tactics director wants you to play Unicorn Overlord Verity TownsendNews (Japan-related)
Final FantasyNews2024-03-12 18:24Final Fantasy XIV director regrets making the game “too stress-free” for players Amber V2
Final FantasyNews2024-03-12 17:09Final Fantasy VII writer vowed to portray Aerith and Tifa as true friends in remake Ayuo KawaseNews (Japan-related)
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Final FantasyNews2024-03-08 19:35Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu finds recent game music “boring” – here’s why Verity TownsendNews (Japan-related)1
Final FantasyNews2024-03-08 12:37Final Fantasy VII devs initially disliked One Winged Angel, series composer reveals why Verity TownsendNews (Japan-related)1
Final FantasyNews2024-03-05 17:30Final Fantasy VII Rebirth’s moogles feared for soulless gaze, accused of catfishing Verity TownsendNews (Japan-related)1
Final FantasyNews2024-03-01 18:59In FFVII Rebirth, Cloud is no longer able to rifle through Tifa’s underwear drawer Verity TownsendNews (Japan-related)1
Final FantasyNews2024-03-01 13:14“Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is God-tier” Japanese fans give their first day impressions Verity TownsendNews (Japan-related)
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