In a recent interview, the Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, the devs mentioned that the game has many secret things they are waiting for users to discover and react to.

A Palworld player has subjected Pals to harsh working conditions to determine whether Pals can die from being overworked, arriving at a surprising result.

Cheating in Palworld is becoming a growing concern in the community, but players have been jokingly calling cheater attacks "Team Rocket Events."

Japanese indie developer Chilla's Art announced Shinkansen 0, an anomaly-spotting horror game inspired by The Exit 8 and I'm on Observation Duty.

Users have come up with the conspiracy theory that it's actually Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth being by The Pokémon Company, rather than Palworld.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is one of Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio’s most ambitious titles up to date, and its release is being accompanied by a befittingly large-scale advertising campaign, including a Time’s Square electric billboard and an upcoming full-page advertisement in The New York Times.

Breaking: The Japanese court has found the Kyoto Anime arsonist fully responsible for the death of 36 studio employees and has sentenced him to the death penalty.

The Pokémon Company released an official statement titled “Inquiries Regarding Other Companies’ Games.” This is likely in reference to alleged plagiarism by Palworld.

Building a high-rise base, one Palworld player made a critical mistake that erased hours of their work, and they even caught it happening on film.

Japanese Pokémon players discuss their ideal Pokémon game, and it's not more battle.

The story about how one of Palworld's devs rose from unemployed middle school graduate to full-time developer of a best-selling game has been gaining attention on social media.

Sega has revealed guidelines regarding streaming/uploading gameplay videos of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, and some users are surprised by how lax they are.