Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Operations: Servo-skulls and Gene-seeds and why everyone is looking for them 

You might look like a group of oversized soldiers hunting for Easter eggs, but everyone will be jealous once you start sporting some of that good endgame gear. 

While playing Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2’s Operations mode, you may find other Space Marines searching around corners instead of beelining to the next objective. These players are hunting for Servo-skulls and Gene-seeds – hidden collectibles that award Armoury Data and experience respectively. One Servo-skull and one Gene-seed spawn randomly in select areas of each operation, adding collectible hunting to your team’s to-do list. 

Collecting Servo-skulls awards some easy Armoury Data 

Warhammer 40000 Space Marines 2 Servo skull armoury data

Servo-skulls are small floating skulls that award Master-Crafted (Green) Armoury Data on the Minimal and Average difficulties, Artificer (Purple) Armoury Data on the Substantial difficulty, and Relic (Gold) Armoury Data on the Ruthless difficulty. 

Colored Armoury Data is needed to unlock and master different weapons in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2, which is why everyone is on the lookout for these macabre collectibles. Only one person needs to pick up the Armoury Data for the entire party to reap its rewards, but the different areas that they can spawn prompt everyone to search for them nonetheless. Servo-skull Armoury Data also has its own dedicated item slot, unlike Gene-seeds which take up the same space as Guardian Relics. 

Gene-seed rewards are the toughest to get 

Warhammer 40000 Space Marine 2 Gene-seed collecting

Though they can be found randomly in specific areas like Servo-skulls, Gene-seeds need to be carried by one player to the operation is completed. If they get downed (i.e. lose all their life once), they will lose the Gene-seed. This task is easy to do on the lower difficulties but becomes much harder on the tougher ones. 

Whoever picks up the Gene-seed essentially becomes the team’s MVP, and must be protected for everyone to receive the experience bonus. Since Gene-seeds take the place of Guardian Relics (artifacts that randomly spawn which allow for a single self-revive and prevent Mortal Wounds), the person carrying the Gene-seed needs to either be very good at not taking damage or possess abilities that do the work for them. The Sniper class’s Camo Cloak is one such ability that draws attention away from the Gene-seed carrier and makes going through certain areas a breeze. 

If you want to max out your characters and weapons faster, you would do well to follow your teammates’ examples and search around for Servo-skulls and Gene-seeds in Operations mode. You might look like a group of oversized soldiers hunting for Easter eggs, but everyone will be jealous once you start sporting some of that good endgame gear. 

Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor
Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor

Automaton West writer. Zoto has been playing video games for 30+ years now but has only recently come to grips with PC gaming. When he isn't playing video games, he watches romance anime and gets mad when his best girl never wins.

Articles: 333

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