Silent Hill 2 remake: How to survive the two Pyramid Heads encounter 

As you near the end of your journey through the Otherworld version of Lakeview Hotel, you will come across not one but two Pyramid Heads. Whereas the first Pyramid Head encounter has the monster carrying a Great Knife, these two Pyramid Heads carry spears. Thankfully, most of their attacks only hit the areas in front of them. 

The Pyramid Heads encounter is timed 

Dog mask James faces off against the two pyramid heads in Silent Hill 2 remake

Just like the first Pyramid Head encounter, there is an invisible timer that starts once the encounter with the two Pyramid Heads begins. You can simply avoid the enemies and wait for the time to expire, but damaging the Pyramid Heads will make the timer go faster. If you decide to take on the Pyramid Heads, keep a safe distance and always monitor both of their locations so you don’t get caught between them. 

The Pyramid Heads have some nasty stabs and smashes 

Pyramid Head spear thrust attack

The Pyramid Heads’ longest-reaching move is a thrust attack with a lengthy wind-up. They pull back their spear-wielding hands before the thrust, giving you ample time to dodge to the side. This is the move you must always be on the lookout for, as its range can easily catch you by surprise.  

Pyramid Head ground stab attack

Another long-reaching move is when a Pyramid Head runs a short distance and stabs the ground. This attack is telegraphed by the Pyramid Head brisk walking with its spear raised. As soon as you see the Pyramid Head preparing for a jog, put some distance between you by either sprinting away or dodging. 

The last of the Pyramid Head’s stab attacks is a short-range poke. While it does not have the range of the thrust attack, its speed can easily catch you off-guard. Be on the lookout for any movement from the Pyramid Heads’ spear hands, as they can indicate a poke attack is about to follow. 

Pyramid Head blunt attack

Aside from their stabs and thrusts, the Pyramid Heads also have some nasty blunt attacks. They will occasionally sweep their spear in a frontal arc, catching misplaced dodges. While you can dodge the sweep by moving sideways, the surefire way to avoid it is to dodge backward. 

Pyramid Head due spear smash attack

The Pyramid Heads also have a spear smash that begins with the enemy raising both their spear hand and their right foot (the foot is the telltale sign). As soon as you see that foot get off the ground, dodge to the side to avoid the oncoming spear smash. 

Fighting the Pyramid Heads is all about crowd control 

Silent Hill 2 remake Pyramid Heads crowd control

Fighting two Pyramid Heads means you have to deal with double the threats. Always keep both monsters in your sights and be on the lookout for their attacks. The thrust attack is deadly because of how quickly a Pyramid Head can reposition and attack you, but you also need to watch out for its other moves. 

The best way to deal with the Pyramid Heads is at a distance. The Rifle is great when you manage to get some distance from the monsters while the Shotgun works best when they get too close. Ammo and healing supplies litter the corners of the arena, so make sure to grab those when you can. 

After about 3 minutes, the Pyramid Heads will give up on killing you and move to the center of the arena. They will then proceed to kill themselves, ridding James of his pursuers and making your job much easier. 

If you’re having trouble with any of the other Silent Hill 2 remake bosses, consider checking out our guides for the Abstract Daddy, the Flesh Lip, and Eddie Dombrowski, among others! 

Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor
Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor

Automaton West writer. Zoto has been playing video games for 30+ years now but has only recently come to grips with PC gaming. When he isn't playing video games, he watches romance anime and gets mad when his best girl never wins.

Articles: 182

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