Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to get the “It’s Bread” Achievement 

In a title as serious as the Silent Hill 2 remake, one has to wonder what a silly-sounding achievement like “It’s Bread” is doing in the game. Yet there it is; lying in players’ unobtained achievements like a stale pastry. Here’s how to get the “It’s Bread” achievement, as well as some background history about its name. 

How to get the “It’s Bread” achievement 

Silent Hill 2 remake Lakeview Hotel map kitchen location

The “It’s Bread” achievement can be obtained on the first floor of the Lakeview Hotel Employee Section. After dumping your weapons and items in the Employee Elevator Room on the second floor and going down, you’ll find yourself at the mercy of two Mandarin enemies patrolling the main area. The goal of this section is to avoid the Mandarins while collecting gemstones that will reveal the code to the safe in the Break Room.

Silent hill 2 remake Lakeview Hotel kitchen James looking at bread

As you go around the Employee Section, you will end up in the Kitchen, where a Lying Figure can be found patrolling the room. While it is tempting to make a beeline for the platform that leads back to the main area, you should try going around the Lying Figure so that you can inspect the bakery tray rack trolley on the left (remember that you don’t have any weapons during this part). Doing so will reward you with a close-up of the tasty pastries and the “It’s Bread” achievement. 

What’s with all the bread? 

Silent Hill 3 Heather commenting on the bread in the bakery

“It’s Bread” is a meme that originated from Silent Hill 3. Inspecting a stack of bread slices in Helen’s Bakery will cause protagonist Heather Mason to make an acute observation about the store’s offerings. The statement is so blatantly obvious that many people find it humorous.  

The developers at Bloober Team seem to be fans of Heather’s musings, so much so that they included the meme in the Silent Hill 2 remake. Unlike the stacks of bread that are found immediately upon entering the Silent Hill 3 bakery, the bread in the Silent Hill 2 remake can easily be missed. 

Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor
Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor

Automaton West writer. Zoto has been playing video games for 30+ years now but has only recently come to grips with PC gaming. When he isn't playing video games, he watches romance anime and gets mad when his best girl never wins.

Articles: 175

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